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Ok, so i had an idea, for a while there was a theory that Varian was connected to the moonstone in some way, so i had an idea, i dont know how many of you have watched She-ra but the idea is based off of a scene in it where (Spoiler alert) Catra is controlled by horde prime and adora is telling her to fight it, and so i thought of an idea for the moonstone to take control of Varian, hope you guys enjoy!
Hugo's POV


It all happened so fast, i couldn't stop it, we all thought the moonstone had been destroyed a year ago, but somehow its still here, and in the possession of Andrew, somehow he is still alive and his saporians are with him, "Happy to see us?" Andrew said with a smirk, "Nope, Not really" Yong said with a frown on his face, "Well to bad, were back now" Clenmontine said, Rapunzel grabbed out her frying pan, the rest of us grabbed out our swords, "i wouldn't try and threaten us" Andrew said, "Oh yeah, why not?" Eugene asked, andrew smirked and snapped his finger, and he moved aside, i saw Varian, he was tied up and was being held in a kneeling position, he was looking at me with tears in his eyes, "Varian...." i said, i glared at andrew, "Let go of him andrew Now!" I yelled, "I dont think so....." Andrew said, then he pulled out something i never expected or wanted to see again, the moonstone..... "This boy has a connection to this stone" Andrew countinued, he then held the stone close to Varian and the streak in Varian's hair started glowing bright blue, then Andrew kneeled down and put the stone where Varians heart is, "And im gonna use this connection to destroy everything and everyone this boy has ever loved", and the last thing i ever heard from Varian was him screaming "HELP", before we were knocked back

~End of Flashback~

All of that happened only 1 hour ago, me and the rest of Corona's citizens were in the ugly duckling, just waiting for someone to think of a plan to help Save Varian, i looked out the window and i saw that Corona was filled with black rocks, but only the village, not the castle, i sighed and heard footsteps behind me, i turned and saw yong, nuru, and Rapunzel, i sighed and kept looking out the window, "Hugo, I promise that were gonna get Varian back, i promise" Rapunzel said, "i know that Varian is afraid, i can always tell, and if he destroys anymore of corona while still being under the control of the moonstone, he will never, ever, forgive himself" i said, "maybe if we can try and get through to him, because trying to grab it off his chest just makes him more afraid" "thats what were gonna do" Eugene said

~Time skip~

I was standing in front of Varian, he had bright blue hair, the same amour that Cassandra did and his eyes were bright blue as well, right beside me was nuru and yong, i heard a shock and Varian grabbed the side of his head, he was in pain, "Cmon goggles, you have never listened to anyone in your life, are you really gonna start now" i said, his eyes flickered from blue and his normal color, then it stopped on his normal eyes and he looked at me, "Your such an idiot" Varian said, "Yeah" i said then i laughed a bit  "i know", Varian giggled and then his eyes returned to blue, "im gonna take you home" i said, His eyes switched back to normal, "Promise...." Varian said, "I promise" I said as i put my hand out to him, "Hugo...." Varian said as he put his hand out to take mine, before he pulled it back and his eyes turned back to blue "Dissapointing....Some people are made only for destruction" Varian said as he was under the control of the stone, then he put both his hands on his head and screamed then we were all knocked back again
(This scene does not belong to me, it belongs to She-ra and the Princesses of power, and the characters belong to disney, Tangle the series, and Vat7k)

~Time skip~

After a long grueling battle, we managed to defeat Andrew and his gang of saporians, people were injured all over corona, i was walking around helping people out, i was also looking for Varian as well, as i was walking, i saw rubble moving, Varian stood up from the rubble, he still had his blue hair, and his amour, but his eyes, they were normal, before i could walk over to him, he ran away, I saw Nuru and yong walk over to me, "Wheres Varian?" Yong asked, i pointed in the direction he ran off in, Me, Yong, and Nuru ran in the same direction until it became nightfall, We returned to town square and saw a bunch of people looking for Varian, They were yelling stuff like "Varian! Where are you?" And "Please come out Varian", We walked over to Rapunzel, "Any sign of him?" Nuru asked, Rapunzel sighed and shook her head no, we all then saw fiddella and Cassandra ride over, Rapunzel got excited "Cassandra!" She said as She ran over and hugged Cassandra, "i heard corona was experiencing a problem so i thought i would come help" Cass explained, Rapunzel went on to explain what happened with The saporians, Varian, and the moonstone. "If you guys are looking for Varian, i saw where he went" Cass said, "Really? Where did he go?" Eugene asked, "He went to the snuggly duckling, he ran past me, and since he had to moonstone, i followed him and he completely surrounded the place in the rocks" Cass explained, "Well were gonna go there and try to talk to him" Yong said, Nuru and i both nodded in agreement. "Then were coming to" Lance said as he pointed at himself and the rest of Varians friends

~Time skip~

Me, Nuru, Yong, and the rest of Varians friends arrived at the entrance of the snuggly duckling, Cassandra was telling the truth, it really is covered with black rocks, and i could hear muffled sobs from inside it, i put my hand on the rock and pressed my ear against it, just listening to Varians sobs, i then saw an opening between the rocks and crawled underneath it, i saw that behind the opening was the door to get in, I put my hand on the handle and the door opened, im guessing he didnt expect anyone to get in, As i entered the snuggly duckling, i saw Varian crying into his knees, he still had the moonstone on, i quietly walked over to him, and put my hands on his shoulders, he looked up at me with his beautiful light blue eyes, that were filled with tears, i used my thumbs to wipe them away, "H-How did you know where i was?" Varian asked, "an old friend saw you run here" i answered, He stood up from his spot and sat back down on the other side of the room, i walked over and sat beside him, i kept trying to talk to him, until he said "Cant you stop, Why do you still want me, Cant you see what ive done, this is all my fault, Ive done 3 unforgivable things and somehow you still want me!?! Why!?!", his tears streamed down his face, he fell on both of his knees and he started sobbing his heart out, i got down on my knees as well and made him look at me, i softly put my lips on his, he kissed me back, when the kiss broke, he layed his head in my chest, and he was breathing calmly, as he was calming down, the rocks began to sink back into the earth, and the door opened again, I saw the rest of the group walk in, Nuru and yong ran over and they joined in the hug, Varian finally completely calmed down, The hug broke and Varian looked up at me, "ok, were gonna try and get the moonstone off, ok?" I said, Varian nodded and stayed still while i softly took the stone off, when it was remove Varians hair returned to normal and he was back in the clothes he had before the moonstone was put on him, he looked up at me and he wrapped his arms around my neck, i picked him up bridal style and Carried him out of the snuggly duckling bridal style,

"I promise Varian, I will always love you, and noone will ever hurt you again" i whispered into Varians ear as he fell asleep in my arms

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