Dont be afraid

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This takes place during the last scene of be very afraid when Varian is walking with his dad, but hes not only gonna walk with his dad, hes also gonna have some of his friends as well, also Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, Angry, Pascal, Maximus, Red, Angry, and Varians other friends havent met Hugo, Nuru, and Yong yet. it may contain spoilers
Varian's POV

I was walking with my dad and my friends and explaining to my dad how me and Rapunzel got rid of the red rocks, i could tell that he was very proud, and my friends were smiling as i told my dad what happened, as i was walking, i heard someone call my name, i looked and saw hugo, nuru, and yong waving at me, i got excited, Ran over to them and Hugged them all tightly, "im so glad you guys are ok" i said  "We were so worried Hairstripe, you scared us to death when you ran off" Hugo said as he put his hands on my cheek, i blushed and smiled, the last time i saw my friends is when we were talking on the bench and then i ran off to tell Rapunzel about the red rocks, that was a few hours ago

I heard Lance cough behind me, so i turned around, "Ah sorry guys, i just go so excited to see them" i said as i broke the group hug, "So uhh Kid, who are these 3?" Eugene asked, "Ah yes, this is Yong, Nuru, and Hugo, my best friends" i answered with a smile, "you messed up that answer" Hugo said, "Wait what?" I said, as i looked at him "Nuru and yong are your best friends, im not your best friend", i was kinda confused and crossed my arms, with a slight smirk, "Then what are we?" I asked, Hugo smirked and kissed my forehead causing me to blush a lot, "im not your best friend, im your boyfriend" Hugo answered, My face went a full red, "Awwwww thats adorable" Rapunzel said

"So, uhhh, yeah, these are my best friends nuru and yong, and my boyfriend hugo" i said, still blushing a bit, "Well it is very nice to meet you, how long has he known you guys?" Rapunzel asked, "5 years" Nuru answered, "varian was 10, Hugo was 11, i was 7 and Nuru was 9" Yong said, i smiled, "Yep, Ive known these guys for a while" i said, then hugo grabbed my hand and pulled me away with nuru and yong "See ya guys later" i shouted as hugo had already pulled me away quite a bit from them.

~Time skip~

Me, Nuru, yong, and Hugo were all at my house, in my room, Me and hugo were sitting on the bed, Nuru was sitting on the ground, and yong was sitting on a chair, "So, what did you guys see when the red rocks came?" I asked. "When i saw the red rocks, the visions made me see a meteor heading toward Corona but nothing was there" Nuru said, she sighed a little bit, "When i got affected by the red rocks, i saw my parents saying how much they hated my fireworks, im afraid of people hating my fireworks" Yong said, then he sighed "what did you see hugo?" I asked, we all looked at hugo, he sighed then said "i saw my mom, and you, you were screaming how much you hated me while my mom was holding my shoulder and covering my mouth", i held Hugo's hand and leaned on his shoulder, "what about you Varian, what did you see?" Yong asked, they looked at me "i saw something that actually happened, i saw my dad getting encased in the amber and people were saying that my dad being trapped was what i deserved" i said.

After we all shared our fears, "Well, we dont have to be afraid anymore, we have eachother now" Nuru said, We all smiled and nodded, she got off the floor, and she hugged me, then hugo joined the hug, then finally yong, i know that i dont have to be afraid anymore

As long as i have my friends, i am not afraid

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