this day

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This song is an inspiration for the chapter, Varian and Rapunzel will be in the caves and Rapunzel Still has her long hair, Enjoy!
Varian(Fake) POV

I was set up in my own room, i was standing near the mirror as nuru was helping me with my veil, Today is the day, the best day of my entire life, The day i have dreamed of since i was younger, i cant believe its finally here.

"Veil is all ready Varian" Nuru said

I smiled and hugged nuru.

"Thanks Nuru, your the best" I said

"Anytime Varian" Nuru said, She then walked out of the room, and i smirked, locking the door behind her as she left

I walked over to the mirror and Placed the flower behind my Ear

(Start the song)

This day is going to be perfect

The kind of day of which i dreamed since i was small

I used the powers in my amulet to pick up mannequins and made them bow to me

Every body will gather round

Say i look lovely in my Gown

I put the mannequins down and approached the mirror, My eyes turning a bright green

What they dont know is that i have fooled them all

~Real Varian's POV~

I was running through Demantis's abandoned study, a place ive never been before, with Rapunzel trying to help me escape

This day was going to be perfect

A picture fell out of my pocket, I turned and went to pick it up, it was a picture of me and hugo on the day we got engaged

The kind of day in which i dreamed since i was small

I teared up

But instead of having cake, with all my friends to celebrate

My wedding bells may never ring for me at all

~Fake Varian's POV~

I looked in the full length mirror with a smirk on my face, My Eyes still glowing a bright Green

I could care less about the Dress

I wont Partake in any cake

I looked at the notes that the real Varian had taken for when he was writing his vows, and i threw them in the nearby trash bin, who needs em, its not like im gonna mean what i say to his fiancee

Vows, Well ill be lying when i say

That through any kind of weather, ill want us to be together

The truth is i dont care for him at all!

I looked at the picture that was tapped on the mirror and ripped it down the middle, it was a picture of Varian and Hugo on the day they got together

No i do not love the Groom

In my heart, Their is no room

But i still want him to be All mine!!

~Real Varian's POV~

Me and Rapunzel were running through the systems of Demantis's abandoned study, it seems to go on for miles

We must escape before its too late

Find a way to save the day

Hope ill be lying when i say

I looked at Rapunzel as we were running, and i accidentally crashed into a Door, a steel door, and of course, it was locked

I dont fear that i may lose him

To one who wants to use him

Not care for, Love, and Cherish him each day

I teared up hard and banged on the door hard before falling to my knees in tears

For i oh so love the groom

All my thoughts he does consume

"Ok, out of the way, i think i have an idea" Rapunzel said, i moved out of the way and she Used her hair and she managed to knock the door down, I stood up, and Rapunzel grabbed my wrist and we kept running down the tunnel to get out of here

Oh~~~~~ Hugo, ill be there very soon

~Fake Varian's POV~

"Varian, its time!" Eugene said through the door, i smirked a bit and walked out of the room, Todays the day corona will be all mine, and its cause of this boy that ill be able to do it.

I walked over to the door where Varians Father was standing, and he had his arm out for me to grab, so i did, then the doors opened and the music started playing

Finally the moment has arrived

For me, to be one lucky bride

~Real Varian's POV~

Me and Rapunzel were running as fast as we could to get out of the Chamber, but when we stopped, we realized we are right back where we started.

I teared up hard and fell to my knees

Oh the wedding we wont make

Rapunzel put her hand on my shoulder

He'll end up marrying a fake

I looked at the picture in my hand and just started crying hard

Hugo with be........

~Fake Varian's POV~

I walked to the end of the isle and grabbed both of Hugo's hands, i put on a fake smile as the captain of the guards started his whole shpiel

Mine, all mine, Hehehehe


Let me know if you want a part 2!

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