A real family

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Slight spoilers for Vat7k, the rest is made up just to let you know
Hugo's POV

Me, Varian, nuru, and yong all arrived in the earth kingdom, Varian had met his extended family there, a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles, Varian is so lucky, he has this entire extended and huge family while i dont even know who my parents are, my adopted mom treats me more like a worker then a son, i feel like i have no family, not a real one at least, i kept looking at Varian as he was chatting and laughing with all of them, and seeing how happy he was to finally know his real family, i cant say im not jealous of them,

I was just leaning against a wall and watching varian talk to one of his cousins, he seems very happy, i just rolled my eyes, and looked away, i felt tears on the corners of my eyes, they were threatening to fall out until i wiped them away, i saw nuru and yong walk over, "hey hugo" Yong said, as he stood beside me, Nuru just stood beside me and said nothing, "its getting dark, we should set up camp" i said, "ill set up a camp outside of town, youll see the flames light", i then walked out of town to a small opening and started setting up camp

~Time skip~

I was sitting on a log just starring into the fire, its been hours and they havent come to camp yet, i heard voices and laughing, i saw Varian, Nuru, and Yong come over to where im sitting, oh but guess what, Varian decided to bring more of his family, how nice!?! They were all sitting there talking about Family, i was on the verge of snapping, and guess what, i finally did "EVERYONE BE QUIET!!" I yelled as i stood up, i was breathing heavy and tears streamed down my face, Everyone was looking at me, Varian stood up and looked at me with concern "Hugo, whats wro-" he tried to say before i cut him off "DONT ASK ME WHATS WRONG VARIAN, ITS THIS DUMB IDEA OF FAMILY, YOU SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS TO SEE YOU WITH YOUR HUGE, LOVING, BIG FAMILY WHILE I DONT HAVE ONE AT ALL" i yelled as i was looking at Varian, everyone was looking at me with shock, "Hugo, I-", he tried to say before i cut him off again "DONT EVEN TRY TO ACT LIKE YOU CARE" i yelled again before i grabbed my bag, and ran off, away from the camp, "Hugo! Wait" i heard Yong yell, but i didnt stop running.

I stopped running when i saw a small river, it was about a mile away from camp, i sat down in front of it, and i couldn't hold back my emotions anymore, i put my hands over my head as i was sobbing, my head above the river, i knew it would take a miracle to calm me down, and that miracle came when i heard "Hugo, where are you? Please come back", it was Varian, i sat up and just put my head into my legs and started hugging them, i was still crying, i just couldn't stop it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked up and it was Varian, he sat down beside me and had his hand on my shoulder, i looked away and still had some tears streaming down my face "What do you want, to brag about the fact that you have a massive family while i have nothing at all" i said, "thats not why im here at all hugo, why didnt you tell me about your family?, and that this was hurting you?" Varian asked, "i already knew you were annoyed with me, i didnt want you to think i was weak just because i hate my family, and basically im jealous of the fact that your family loves you but mine doesn't" i said, "but if you had told me it was hurting you, we could have left a while ago" he said "Trust me hairstripe, im not the one that does emotions, i knew it was better to hide it, and its not like any family is gonna want me in it, i want to be in one family but i know they will say no" i said, "Which family is that?"Varian asked, "Your family" i answered, Varian blushed a tiny bit "W-What role do you want in my family, a brother? A cousin?" Varian asked flustered, "i dont want any of those roles in your family, wanna know what role i want?"  I said with a slight smirk, he nodded, i moved closer and whispered in Varian's ear "i want to be your husband", Varians face turned completely red, he started laughing nervously, i was also blushing as well.

"I-its ok" i said, before Varian leaned over and kissed my cheek, i blushed terribly, "M-Maybe i want you as my husband someday" he stuttered out, i was now blushing way more, i grabbed Varians hand and he held me close to him, he would occasionally kiss my forehead, and i would smile whenever he did that, and before i fell asleep, he whispered in my ear "Youll be apart of my family someday, i promise". Then i gave into the sweet sound of sleep,

Maybe having a family isnt so bad after all.

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