Your safe

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Warning, this Chapter will involve spoilers for the episode Cassandra's Revenge, Enjoy

Hugo's POV

I saw the love of my life get kidnapped by Cassandra, the girl who stole the moonstone, After me, Varian, nuru, and yong spent weeks studying the scroll and translating it, Rapunzel came down, then Cassandra Attacked us, and Varian was kidnapped,but i couldn't save him, before i could, i was knocked out with gas, by the time i had awoken, Varian and Cassandra were already gone

All of that happened just 2 hours ago, and ive felt guilty ever since then. I am looking out the window when the ground started to shake, and in the distance, i saw A black rock tower being built by someone, it must have been Cassandra, Varian must have given her the incandescent for the moonstone, but i know my varian would never do that, Not on his own will at least

I looked at Rapunzel and Eugene as they walked over "Dont worry hugo, were going to save Varian, We promise" Rapunzel said as she put her hand on my shoulder "i trust that you guys will save him but i still feel guilty, i let varian down, i couldn't save him from being kidnapped" i said as i hugged my legs "well dont worry blonde kid, were gonna go save varian" Eugene said,  i sighed as i kept looking out the window

~Time skip~

I was in the planning room with Angry, Red, Lance, Maximus, Eugene, Pascal and Rapunzel, Rapunzel was explaining the plan but unfortunately i couldn't go because she said that she didnt want to many people going incase someone got hurt, i guess its a good reason, but Varian is still my boyfriend and i wanna help him

I ended up trying to reason with Rapunzel for like 15 minutes before i finally agreed to stay back and hope that Varian returned home safely, which he better, or I will never forgive myself or Cassandra for what happened

"Hugo, we know how much you want to save Varian, but trust us, we are some of the most experienced people in This kingdom and Varian will be brought home in 1 piece, we promise" Lance said as he held his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and smiled a bit. I watched as they walked out of the Room, leaving me by myself

~Time skip~

I was Pacing back and forth in the thrown room of the castle, King Frederick and Queen Arianna were just watching me, i looked at them and they looked away, when i looked away, they looked at me, i was just pacing back and forth, night had already fallen and i was so close to just leaving and going to The fortress myself, when the door opened,

i looked and saw Varian run in and he tackled me to the ground in a hug, "Hugo!" Varian said as he hugged me tightly, i laughed and hugged back, we both stood up and were smiling at eachother, i saw Rapunzel and Eugene walk over

"I knew he was gonna do that, He kept mentioning on and on about how worried he was about you, and his friends, so i knew he was gonna do it" Eugene said. Me and Varian both laughed and looked at eachother in the eyes, Before i kissed Varian's cheek, he Blushed and smiled and hugged me again

"Dont worry Varian, Your safe now" i whispered in his ear with a smile on my face, as i held him tightly in my arms, Never wanting to let him go.......

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