Love of an alchemist and a thief (Final part)

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The long-awaited 4th and last part of this story, hope you enjoy it
Hugo's POV

I looked around the house and saw the back door, I looked out the window and saw guards in the backyard,

"Varian, the house is surrounded, what do we do?" I asked

Varian looked around and pointed at a door, "that door should lead to my lab downstairs, go down there and hide, ill come find you when you can come out" he said, I nodded and ran to the door, I opened and closed it, ran down the stairs and to the lab, i saw a cabinet, I walked over to it and opened it, it was completely empty so I got in it and closed the cabinet shut

~Varians POV~

I made sure to lock the door behind Hugo before i went to the door.

I slowly opened it and looked at the guard

"Varian, May we come in?" The guard asked,

"I guess that depends, what for?" I asked

"We need to discuss something" the guard answered

"Discuss what?" I asked

"Discuss Hugo" the guard answered, I stood aside and let them in, but i then heard a sound from downstairs, and no less than 2 seconds later, I was in handcuffs and taken outside to the jail cart, i was thrown in and 5 minutes later, Hugo was thrown in as well

~Time skip~

We arrived in front of corona castle and I was terrified, to say the least, I didn't do anything wrong, and I know my dad tried to stop the guards but they knocked him out,

I was grabbed from the cart and taken to the throne room with Hugo, When the door opened, I saw a very shocked Rapunzel and Eugene sitting on the thrones

Rapunzels POV

"What did you guys do!?!" I demanded the guards tell me

"We got Varian like you asked" one of the guards answered

"We told you to bring him nicely, Not put him in handcuffs and forcefully bring him to us" Eugene said with anger in his voice,

Me and Eugene looked at Varian and he had tears streaming down his face and was laying his head in Hugo's chest

We turned our attention back to the guards, "give us the keys, your both dismissed for the week" I said.

One of the guards walked over, handed me their keys, and walked out of the throne room with the other guard, once they left I approached Varian and Hugo.

~Hugo's POV~

Queen Rapunzel approached me and Varian, Varian had his head on my chest and he was breathing heavy in fear, the queen kneeled down and used the keys she had to take the cuffs off of my hand, she did the same with Varian's handcuffs, i looked up at the queen and sighed,

"Your majesty, why are you taking the cuffs off of me? I am one of the most wanted thieves in the 7 kingdoms" I asked,

Eugene walked over and kneeled as well,

"Kid, when I was your age, I was also a thief, for years I would steal to survive, but my wife was the one who convinced me that the life of a thief was the best, she helped me change, and it seems like our pal is helping you as well" He explained, he then pointed to Varian who had fallen asleep in my chest, I smiled a bit before wrapping my arm around him

"We also decided that you are the be freed of charges for stealing, as long as you return everything and promise to never steal again" Rapunzel said to me

i nodded and smiled,

"Thank you your majesty, i promise i wont steal again and ill return everything" i said

Eugene and Rapunzel both smiled,

"Alright kid, There is a spare bedroom just down the hall, you should take Varian there until he wakes up, we need to tell him the news as well and i dont trust the guards anymore after what they did to retrieve Varian from old corona if he goes back now" Eugene said

I nodded and picked up Varian bridal style, and i blushed a lot after he wrapped his arms around my neck while he was sleeping

~Time skip~
Varian's POV

I woke up in a bed, i sat up and saw the sun was setting outside of the window, it looks like im in a spare room in the palace, I looked to my side and i saw Hugo was reading, he looked at me and smiled, i blushed and smiled back, hugo put his book dow

"Morning Hairstripe, listen, Rapunzel and Eugene need to talk to you about Something" He said, i sighed before nodding, Hugo stood up and walked out of the room and returned about 5 minutes later with Rapunzel and Eugene, i was nervous to say the least

Rapunzel walked over and hugged me, I hugged back, "Varian, i was so worried about you" She said, i looked up at her before she started explaining

"Listen, i did not ask the guards to arrest you and Hugo, we only told them to bring you guys to the castle nicely, and then we heard what happened to your dad, but look, we came to say that Hugo is released from all charges and you 2 are free to go home"

I smiled and hugged Rapunzel tighter before mumbling "thank you Rapunzel"

~Time skip to weeks later~

Well, Everything is getting better, Hugo and i have returned to all the stolen treasures and i have returned to working at the castle, the guards who arrested me have been dismissed from duty permanently, i also introduced Hugo to all my friends and they all think he is amazing, im glad everything is better then ever

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