Not My Reality Final

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Rain began to fall about two hours outside of Lawrence. Heavy, torrential rain quickly covered the road and made it hard to see. The SUV's windshield wipers could barely keep up with the downpour.

Everyone was quiet in the vehicle while Jensen's full focus was keeping the SUV on the road. Lightning flashed in the sky, lighting up the surrounding landscape quickly before turning pitch black once again. Thunder quickly followed, loud enough to shake the glass windows.

"I'm not sure if we should keep going," Jensen muttered, his shoulders tense, his energy drink forgotten beside him as he fought to keep the SUV from sliding off the road. "This storm is ridiculous."

As much as you wanted to keep going, you had to agree with him. This storm was dangerous, and it wasn't worth putting you at risk. But you had no idea where you were exactly, or if there was anywhere safe enough to pull over.

"Any idea where we are?" Jared asked, holding his phone up. "I've got no service."

Jensen tossed his phone to Jared, who shook his head. "No service. No idea where we are. I guess we just go slow."

He had the SUV going at a snail's pace, but it still fishtailed on the flooded road. Lightning flashed over the car, thunder immediately following. This was the worst storm you had ever been in, and you couldn't help but be a little scared.

Jensen was a talented driver, but you could tell this storm was affecting him also. His jaw was clenched as he glanced over to Jared again. "How far away from Lawrence do you think we are?"

For a moment, it felt as if you were once again back in an episode of Supernatural. Jensen manning the steering wheel as Dean, Jared giving directions, sitting in the passenger seat. Your character, in her spot in the backseat. If only this was the Impala and not the SUV.

"I have no idea. Maybe half an hour or so." Jared didn't seem very convinced about his answer.

The air inside and out of the SUV was charged with electricity. The hair on your arms stood straight up, your heart starting to race. Your vision started to blur, and you called out to Jensen, not liking what was going on. "Jensen, please," you pleaded, feeling as if your heart wanted to beat right out of your chest.

"Y/N, I'm a little busy keeping us on the road. Can't it wait," he muttered, not even glancing back. Jared turned as you leaned forward, his eyes widening.

"Y/N are you feeling okay?" He asked as another flash of thunder filled the car. "You're as pale as a ghost."

Shaking your head, you tried unbuckling your car, but your arm refused to move. "I don't know what's happening to me, but I'm scared."

"Damn it," Jensen exclaimed, suddenly pulling over and stopping the car. "What is it?"

Turning the cab lights on, his mouth opened and shut. Speechless. "What is it?" You asked. "Why can't I feel my arms?"

"I can't see them," he whispered. "Y/N, you're turning translucent."

Peering down, you could see the seat straight through where your arm had just been. Terrified, you turned your attention back to Jensen. "What's going on?"

"Maybe you're going home," Jared suggested. "Maybe this a good thing."

That did put a smile to your face. "I hope so. I'm ready to see my Jensen."

Turning in his seat, Jensen started to reach out when he remembered he couldn't grasp your hand. "I know that your Jensen is really lucky to have you. I wish you all the best."

With tears in your eyes, you gave in to the energy flowing through your system. Closing your eyes, you felt yourself drift away. Seconds ticked by before the weight of your body had you opening your eyes.

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