Your Favorite Season

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Cas x Reader

The musty smell of the leaves on the ground. The ever-present scent of cinnamon and cloves, pumpkin spice everywhere. The brisk chill in the air, enough to cuddle up in your flannel or a cardigan, but nice enough you could spend the outside.

You absolutely loved fall, and all the glorious things it brought. The pumpkins, the apple cider, the spectacular scenery outside. Even hunting couldn't break up the wonderful mood that fall put you in.

But as much as you loved it, there was somehow who didn't understand your infatuation. Cas didn't understand how one season could be so much better than the rest. So, you made it your mission to make him understand.

So, when you found yourself with a couple of free days, you came up with a plan. Heading over to the blue-eyed angel, you grabbed his hand, pulling him behind you without explaining anything. Sam and Dean waved goodbye, already knowing what you were up to. While they might not understand your infatuation with the season, they understood your need to get away. To teach Cas a thing or two about relaxation.

"Where are we going?" He asked you once you had pushed him into your car. Climbing behind the steering wheel, you started driving.

"You'll see." Is all you answered. He turned silent, watching as you drove down country roads. The trees lining the deserted road were already starting to change, but you knew not nearly as much as your destination.

A couple of hours and one pit stop later, you found the road climbing, the trees turning a wonderful mixture of yellows and orange and red. Mixed in with the green pine trees, it was beautiful, and you couldn't wait to step outside and take a deep breath of the crisp air. Seeing the sign for the small retreat, you turned off the main road, heading down a small dirt road.

Seconds later you were parking in front of a large rustic cabin. A small lake lay to the left, with an apple orchard and firepit to the right. Lined up on the porch were all sizes of pumpkins, a for sale sign above them. You could have squealed at how perfect it was. One of the few cars there, you grabbed Castiel's hand, pulling him inside with you. It was just as quaint inside, with a warm fire going, and chairs and a couch in front. Giving over your reservation number, you took your key with glee, pulling Cas behind you outside, to your small cabin for the weekend. "New couples." The lady at the countered sighed, and you blushed. Sure, you found yourself in love with the awkward Angel, but you weren't sure he even knew what love was.

As the leaves crunched underneath your feet, you stopped in front of cabin number six, giggling at the welcome party on the front porch. "Cas, look!" You exclaimed, leaning down to pet the adorable cat sitting there. Arching it's back, it started purring immediately, as Cas looked at it uneasy.

"Will this one talk?" He asked, remembering the cat he had tried to interrogate a couple of years earlier.

"If you count purring." You answered, picking it up and holding it to your chest. With it snuggling in, you pushed the door open, this time not stopping the squeal that left your lips. It was small, but absolutely perfect. A hand carved bed was placed to the side of the cabin, a warm fuzzy quilt covering it. A fireplace already had a fire burning, with two arm chairs in front. A door on the right led to a bathroom with a deep claw foot bathtub.

"So, this was your plan?" Cas asked as he stood awkwardly just inside the door. "To spend the weekend at a cabin? Why bring me?"

"Because you needed to learn how wonderful fall is." You explained. "Isn't it absolutely beautiful?"

"It is. The colors of the leaves, I never paid that much attention. But couldn't we have just gone for a drive?"

"But I wanted to spend time with you." You spoke quietly, worried you had given too much away.

Tilting his head, he stayed silent for a moment, before his smile graced his face. "I can't wait to spend the weekend with you."

"What should we do first?" You asked him, rubbing your hands together.

"Well, I saw a path through that orchard. Shall we?" He suggested.

"Sounds wonderful. I wonder if we can pick apples?" You asked gleefully. Pulling on a cardigan, you grabbed his hand, letting him lead you this time. The air had a nip in it, and you took a deep breath, letting it settle deep in your lungs. With your head tilted up, you let all your worries slip away, a soft smile refusing to leave your face.

Opening your eyes, you saw Cas staring down at you. "What?" You asked him.

"I think I really like fall. But I found something more beautiful than the leaves." He stated.

"And what's that?" You asked him, as you made your way through the trees, grabbing an apple and handing it to him.

"You. Your cheeks are rosy, and your eyes sparkle. You really love fall." He answered, making you blush.

"I really do." You agreed.

Spending the next hour walking through the orchard, you suggested turning back when the sun started to settle. Shivering, you went straight to the bathroom, changing into some warm leggings, fuzzy socks and a sweat shirt. Cas was by the fire when you came out, his trench coat off, leaving him in just his dress pants and white shirt.

As you made to settle down in one of the comfy chairs, he surprised you by grabbing your hand, pulling you against his chest. "Cas!" You exclaimed, excited to see what he was going to do next.

"I think I know what I love more than fall." He started to say, his eyes looking almost navy in the firelight.

"What's that?" You whispered, your heart beating furiously.

"You." He answered. "Seeing how much you love fall, how it made you feel. It made me realize I have those same feelings, but for you. And I hope that you might someday feel the same."

"I already do. I love you more than fall too." You admitted, before you stood on your tiptoes, pressing your lips softly to his. 

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