Self Confidence

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Hastily tying your jacket around your waist, you tried to wipe the smudged mascara from your face. It was no use, it was caked down your cheeks, a glaring reminder of the humiliation you had just gone through.

"Y/N, wait!" Dean called out from behind you.

Sniffling back more tears, you shook your head. There was no way you could face him now, not after what he had done. "Dean, I can't. Please leave me alone."

You could hear him calling after you, but you refused to listen anymore. Ignoring the sleek black car parked beside you, you began walking down the sidewalk, as fast as you could in the tight dress.

Barging into the motel room, you ignored the curious look on Sam's face as you began throwing all of your items into your suitcase. "Y/N, what's going on?" He asked, reaching over and placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Your brother, that's what," you muttered, trying not to cry once again.

"Let's slow down, and you can tell me about it," he tried to say, but you whipped around, shaking your head furiously.

"Sam, I can't. I know Dean can be stubborn and unaware, but tonight was a new low. I can't go through with that again!"

Picking up your suitcase, you headed towards the door, your heart shattering even more. "Sam, I don't want to do this. I love you and your brother. But tonight hurt. I know I'm not the prettiest girl or the thinnest. I'm used to always getting overlooked, or low comments that I'm not supposed to hear. My self-confidence has always been low, but tonight Dean made sure that it's in the negatives now. So goodbye Sam. I'll miss you."

Slamming the door shut, you tried not to fall to your knees. This was the hardest thing you ever had to do, but you had no choice. Dean had humiliated you, and you couldn't stay with someone who treated you like that.

Dean's POV.

Rushing towards the Impala, I slid behind the seat before realizing that Sam still had the keys. He was no doubt back at the hotel by now, as was Y/N.

With walking my only option, I stuffed my hands in my pockets, walking down the sidewalk, groaning when it started to rain. "Really?" I muttered, turning up the collar of my leather jacket. Today was going from bad to worse, and I wasn't even sure how it had happened.

It had all started simply enough. A trip to the bar, and a little fun with my girl Y/N. I had goaded her into dressing up for the night, wearing this black dress she always carried around with her. I had been waiting for her to wear it, but she had always come up with an excuse. But tonight, I had finally talked her into it, and man, was I glad. She looked amazing, the dress highlighting all of her curves.

We had gone to the local bar, planning on drinking and getting a little information from the bartender. Y/N had gone and gotten us a table, while I made my way up to the bar, seeing a young male as the tender. He had already glanced over towards Y/N, and I thought it might be my way in.

"What can I get you?" He asked, and I quickly ordered two glasses of wine. "Drinking alone?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Here with my friend," I answered, taking the whiskeys as I nodded towards Y/N.

"You came with her?" He seemed surprised.

"Yeah, she's my friend," I said again.

"Just a friend?" He asked, leaning forward. "Because I've always wondered...,"

"Wondered what?" I questioned when he didn't continue.

"I've always heard that chubby girls are better in bed. Because they don't get much, and they're grateful for the attention," he whispered, licking his lips as he eyed Y/N.

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