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Sam x Reader

Sighing, you plopped down in your favorite arm chair, a frown on your face. Resting your chin on your fist, you watched as Sam paced the room in front of you. His hair was greasier than you had ever seen it, the strands stringy, and standing every which way. A beard lined his chin, making him scruffy and unkempt. His flannel shirt was wrinkled, with various stains lining the front.

"Sam, you are in serious need of a shower." You muttered, watching as he stopped suddenly, cocking his head. Without replying to you, he strode off, making his way to your shared bedroom, no doubt following your orders.

"Nice talking to you." You muttered, watching as he rounded the corner, disappearing from sight. With Sam gone, the library was too quiet, too still. The way your life had been lately, and you were tired of it. Sam and Dean had often been gone, leaving you behind while they went on hunts. That wasn't unusual, but you had wanted to spend time with Sam when he came home. You missed him, missed being around him and being in his arms. The bunker was too big, too quiet on your own, and you could feel the loneliness slipping in, darkening your thoughts.

"I'm heading to the bar!" Dean yelled as he came rushing through the library, his coat over his shoulder, keys in his hands. "Don't wait up!"

"I won't!" You yelled back, watching as the other Winchester brother strode on by. Wishing he would stop and talk to you. Maybe ask if you wanted to go with him. At one point in time, you had been close friends with Dean, often out drinking him at the bars. But lately, he hadn't even considered taking you with him, making you wonder exactly what you had done to ostracize yourself from both brothers. Especially Sam, who had always been your rock. But lately, even he didn't seem to want to spend time with you.

Leaving you alone with your thoughts, which weren't the best company. "I just want someone to talk to. Someone to sit next to and laugh, maybe share a beer. Is that too much to ask?" You muttered to yourself, a tear slipping down your cheek. "I'm tired of being lonely."

With Dean gone, and Sam no doubted in the shower, you leaned back in your chair, closing your eyes. Going over the last couple of weeks. This strange feeling that something wasn't right, that you were slowly being forgotten hadn't started until that creepy werewolf hunt. You had come back from that feeling disconnected and tired.

Sam had started ignoring you after that hunt, and you had no idea why. Instead of cuddling at night, he had turned to his side, leaving you laying there cold and alone, missing the heat his body provided. No longer did they give you the option to go on hunts with them, leaving you behind to research and take care of the bunker.

As time passed, the feeling of loneliness grew, and every time you brought it up with Sam, he would turn away, back to his laptop, looking for another hunt. Leaving you to return to your room, crying in private.

"Dean?" Sam called out, coming back from the hall, his hair still dripping water from the shower. At least he had a new shirt on, looking much cleaner.

"He went to the bar." You called out, as Sam stopped and stared off into space, narrowing his eyes. "Stupid jerk could have at least taken me with him."

"He must have gone to the bar." Sam muttered, completely ignoring what you had just told him.

"Duh. That's what I just said. If you ever listened to me, you would have known that." You told him, finally getting fed up with this feeling of being ignored. Of being alone when you weren't.

You watched as Sam's eyes widened, his breaths short and panicked. Moving to step towards him, you watched as he took a step back, heading straight for Dean's personal stash of whiskey. Pouring himself a generous shot, he downed it quickly before pouring another.

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