Singing in The Rain

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Dean x Reader

Synopsis: For 2 challenges on Tumblr, both having to do with Singing in The Rain. Taking some liberties with the movie storyline. Written in Dean's POV

 Written in Dean's POV

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Fiddling with the radio knob, AC/DC started blaring out the speakers. Keeping it as loud as I could stand, I tapped my fingers to the music, doing everything in my power to stay away.

It wasn't late at night, but my eyes kept drifting shut, and I knew I would need to pull over soon and catch a couple hours of sleep before continuing my drive home. My memory foam mattress was sounding better by the second.

I shouldn't have taken that last hunt. At least not by myself. Sam had stayed back at the bunker, nursing his broken collarbone, and I had decided a Rugaru wouldn't be too hard by myself.

Boy, was I wrong. It kicked my butt, and I had the bruises to prove it. "Getting too old for this shit" I muttered to myself, groaning when the rush hour traffic rolled to a stop.

Glancing down at my phone, I checked Sam's newest message. Asking me to get supplies on the way home. Sending off a quick answer right before the light turned green, I was about ready to step on the gas when the passenger seat was thrown open.

Staring in disbelief, I did nothing but watch as this beautiful woman clambered into the Impala, clutching a ripped coat tight to her chest. Slamming the door shut, she turned to me, and I was able to catch a glimpse of the most amazing e/c eyes I had ever seen. A pair of eyes that somehow seemed familiar, even though I couldn't quite place where I had seen them.

"Please, just drive." She pleaded with me as the driver behind me laid on his horn. Reaching up to the radio, she turned it down, and I was so stunned I didn't even argue.

Caught between wanting to get the story, but not wanting this intriguing woman running off, I stepped on the gas, the rear end of the Impala losing control for a split second. Once we were caught up with the rest of the traffic, I glanced over at her once again. She was holding her coat tight to her chest, the sleeves ripped and dirty. Her hair was missed, and her entire look was frantic and dazzled.

"Care to explain?" I asked her calmly, watching as she tried to call down.

"People can be rather harsh, can't they?" She said, skirting the issue. Her voice sounded extremely familiar, piquing my interest even more. "You go to sign a couple of autographs, and they try to rip you apart. They just don't want your autograph, they want a piece of you as well. Thank you for saving me."

"You're Y/N! Y/N, Y/L/N! From that movie series!! Um...I don't remember its name, but I've seen it, and you were amazing!" I blurted out, not even noticing how excited I got over having a movie star jump into my car.

"That's me alright." She muttered, sounding sad that she had been recognized.

"Don't worry. I'm not like those other fans." I assured her. "Just let me give you a ride. Anywhere you need to go."

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