Helping Hand

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Dean x Reader

Sitting at a booth towards the back of the bar, you watched as Sam walked out of the bar, a gorgeous brunette on his arm

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Sitting at a booth towards the back of the bar, you watched as Sam walked out of the bar, a gorgeous brunette on his arm. Dean was at the bar, a bottle of whiskey at his elbow as he stayed silent. The last hunt had hit him hard, and he seemed to need some time to himself to adjust.

It seemed like a weird night. Usually Sam was the one who sat silently, on his laptop while Dean left with the waitress, or some other gullible woman. But not tonight. Tonight, Dean didn't seem interested in anyone except his whiskey, and that surprised you.

"Buy you a drink?" A deep, male voice said from beside you, breaking you from your thoughts. Glancing up, you noticed a man, around Dean's height, leaning against the back of your booth. He had dark hair, a deep shiny black like a crow's feather. His eyes were a stormy gray, his shoulders wide, barely fitting inside the short sleeve shirt he wore. He seemed like a nice man, but you weren't interested.

"No thank you. I'm actually getting ready to leave." You answered, grabbing your coat and purse, ready to push past him and go say bye to Dean.

"Let me walk you out then." The man insisted. "The names Tony by the way."

"Y/N, but you don't have to." You answered, glancing over to where Dean had been sitting, surprised to see him gone. "It's a nice night, I'm a big girl."

"No, I insist. At least to your car." He said, placing his hand on your lower back. Sure, he was handsome, and you knew many women would be loving the attention he was giving you, but you weren't interested. You were an asexual, and things like random nights with strangers were most definitely not your thing.

Knowing you could take care of yourself, you decided to let him walk you outside, rather than cause an issue inside the bar. Checking one last time for Dean, you pushed through the double doors, the temperature still warm and inviting. "Thank you for walking me outside, but I think it's time to part ways." You said, ready to head the short couple of blocks back to your hotel room.

"Come on baby." He said, grabbing you by your waist, pulling you tight to his body. "You know I'll make you feel good."

"I don't really care about feeling good." You answered back. "I just care about going back to my room and sleeping."

Still not listening, he leaned down, attempting to kiss you. With your back pressed against the wall, his hands holding your hips, you couldn't evade his kiss. His lips were warm and soft, but you didn't feel anything except being trapped. Pushing at his chest, you tried to push him away from you. "Give it a chance." He whispered, his lips nipping at your neck, his hands moving up and grasping your breast. Kneading it roughly, he whispered in your ear. "There, doesn't that feel good?"

"She doesn't go for that." Dean growled, grabbing the man by the collar and pulling the stubborn man away from you. "I'm pretty sure she probably already told you no."

"She was just playing hard to get." The man muttered, shoving Dean's hand off his shirt. "She'll come around."

"You son of a bitch." Dean muttered, before cocking his hand back and punching the man squarely in the jaw. "No means no."

Without another glance back at the man, Dean wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you away from him and back towards the hotel room. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop him."

"He seemed nice at first. Like a cool man to talk to. But he wouldn't listen, and I tried to leave." You tried explaining. Before Dean could answer, he was tackled from the back. Tony pummeled him to the ground. Fighting to get the upper hand, Dean clobbered the man, before pushing him to the side.

"If you don't want more of a beating, I suggest you stay down." Dean ordered. "And remember, no means freaking no!"

Groaning in pain, Tony made no attempts to get up. Taking your hand in his, Dean pulled you along the sidewalk, heading straight for your motel room. Sitting down on one of the beds, you watched as Dean walked back and forth, an angry scowl on his face. "Damn it Y/N, I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner."

"Dean, you were there in plenty of time. It's over now." You assured him.

"Are you okay?" He asked you, and you nodded.

"Yeah, it's over now, and that's all that matters." You told him, ready to call it a night. Dean seemed unsure as he moved to the connecting door and his room he shared with his brother. "Dean?" You asked, and he stopped immediately. "Can you stay with me? For tonight?"

Nodding, he came over to the side of your bed, stripping down to his boxers and t-shirt. Quickly slipping in to your pajama's, you slid in between the sheets, Dean shutting the light off before joining you. Your request for him had nothing to do with sexual attraction, but everything to do with comfort. Dean had always been there for you, holding you tight to him when you needed it the most. In his arms, you felt comfort and peace, and you needed that tonight after dealing with the stubborn man who wouldn't take no for an answer.

Dean understood that you needed the comfort, that you never needed anything more. He understood, and respected your wishes, which had greatly surprised you at first. After all, Dean was nothing but a lady's man, a man who survived on sex, whiskey and burgers. But he had been supportive from the start, just as he was being now.

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