Right Where You Want Him

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Sam x Reader

This wasn't how you had expected to spend your Saturday afternoon. You had dreamt of plans, things that normal people would have been bored with. But your dreams had included laundry, grocery shopping. If you were lucky, they had even included stopping by the movie theater to munch on popcorn and watch the latest movie that had come out.

But none of that was going to happen. Not that you were too surprised, but you were definitely disappointed. Instead, you were leaning against the war table in the bunker, listening to the Angel Cas as he continued to talk about Grace Extraction.

It was interesting stuff, things you didn't know, but you weren't in the mood. You were burned out with hunting and research and trying to figure out how to kill the next monster. You wanted a break, a chance to breathe, to remember that you were a person, after all, not just a hunting machine.

"Y/N, are you listening?" Cas called out, pulling you from your depressing thoughts. "This is very important!"

"Yeah Cas, I heard ya," you muttered. "I get to tie Sam up, stick this needle in his neck and pull the blue floaty stuff out of him."

"It's not that simple," Cas sighed. "You have to do it exactly write, or you could hurt him."

"I know," you rolled your eyes. "Cas, go help Dean. I think Sam and I have this under control."

Cas hovered for a moment, not convinced that you would be competent enough to pull the Grace from Sam. But Sam assured him that he had full trust in you, and Cas left with the promise you would call him the moment you needed him.

"So, where is this all happening?" You asked, clapping your hands together.

"I have it set up in the medical room," Sam answered. "I figured it had the perfect tools and everything."

"Yeah, yeah," you agreed, following Sam down the stairs, to the room that had always freaked you out. It was too sterile, too much like a hospital for your comfort. Four or five beds lined one wall, twin-sized beds with grey quilts. Storage lined the other wall, still full of gauze pads, bandages, and medicines you weren't exactly sure that they were still useful.

Sam already had one of the surgery tables ready to go. Placed in the middle of the room, under the brightest light, Sam had straps hanging from the top, middle and foot of the bed. "Sam? What are all the straps for?"

He placed the syringe kit on the stainless steel table beside the bed, tugging off his flannel before he answered. "Cas said this would hurt, and with just the two of us, I thought it would be better if I was tied down."

It was bad, but your mind had immediately turned down the wrong thought process. You and Sam had always had this friends with benefits relationship going on, and the dirty part of your mind thought of how fun it would be to have Sam tied up, unable to do anything but lay there while you had your fun.

Shaking the thoughts from your mind, you listened as Sam explained the process all over again. "Don't worry Sam, I actually thought about being a nurse," you explained. "Before the stupid ghoul took my family from me. I had even taken a couple of night classes."

"Really? I didn't know that," he answered, climbing on the bed, it creaking under his large frame. "You would have made a great nurse."

"Nah, I don't think so," you argued. "I don't have a great bedside manner."

Sam was dressed in his jeans and t-shirt, laying still while you tightened the straps. One around each ankle, spreading his legs slightly. Another around his chest and arms, holding his upper body frozen. The middle one you placed above his belt buckle, immobilizing him. "Don't forget this one," he reminded you, and you tightened the one across his forehead, keeping his head from moving as well.

Nervously you picked up the syringe, wincing at the long needle attached to it. It was stainless steel and cold, and you could feel anxiety climbing its way in. You were scared to do this, but you knew it needed to be done. "Y/N, I trust you," Sam assured you.

Taking a deep breath, you pressed the needle into his skin, cringing as it sank in. He groaned, thrashing about the bed, but your straps held him still. You pushed the needle in as far as it would go before pulling on the handle. It instantly filled up with the blueish tinge of grace, and you pulled the needle back out, bandaging Sam's neck up.

"See, that wasn't that bad," Sam gritted out, his face white and clammy. "You were great."

You placed the needle in the special box, leaving it for Cas when he came back. You turned to untie Sam when you realized that you were done. You could have your fun now. And you had an idea that both you and Sam would like.

"Y/N, I know that look," Sam started, still strapped to the bed. "I'm not sure what it means though."

"Sam, I've always wondered what it would be like to have you at my mercy. Where I could do whatever I wanted to you, and you just had to lay there and take it. Whadya say? Want to have some fun?"

Sam gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing as he shook his head. "What do you have in mind?"

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