Early Morning Surprise

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You left Dean softly snoring in the bed, his full lips parted slightly, and you had to fight the urge to lean down and kiss them. Quietly you slipped on last night's jeans and the first shirt you could find. With one last glance at Dean laying so peacefully asleep, you slipped from the room, knowing it wouldn't be long before the whole bunker was awake.

Tiptoeing past Sam's room, then Jack's, you finally were in the library. In here you didn't have to be so quiet. Humming softly to yourself, you went to the back of the library, where the shelves were still dusty, the books glanced over but not cataloged yet. It had been the perfect hiding place, in that far corner where no one ever looked. Behind the big ancient books, you had found a latch. A latch to a small cabinet. It was barely big enough for you to fit through, empty except for dust and spiderwebs.

It had become your main hiding place. Chocolate, your journal, anything that you didn't want the boys to find. You hid in there. This past week it had been the perfect place to hide all of your Easter purchases.

You had been planning this for a couple of weeks now. Wanting to spoil the people who meant so much to you. Especially Dean. But not only Dean but Jack as well. Poor kid hadn't had much of a normal life, and you wanted to do this for him as well.

Picking up the first large Easter basket, you tiptoed back down the hallway, placing it at the cracked door leading to the room you shared with Dean. Heading back into the library, you spied Castiel tilting his head, staring at the baskets in the hidden cabinet. "This is strange Y/N. Why would someone put baskets full of items in this dark cabinet? Did you know this was there?"

"Cas, shush!" You whispered, tugging on his trench coat sleeve. "I put them there. It's Easter."

"Oh. I've heard about Easter Baskets before."

You reached in, handing him Jack's basket. "Good. Why don't you put this beside Jack's door for me then." You picked up Sam's, knowing that he might already be awake. Sitting it down beside his door, you met Cas at the cabinet once again.

"There's one more in there," he seemed confused. "Did you make yourself one?"

Shaking your head, you pulled the basket out. It was smaller, with fewer items in it, but you had wanted to give the Angel something as well. "It's for you."

"But that means you don't have one," he seemed frustrated. "That's not fair that you gave us all something, but received nothing in return."

You just shrugged. "It doesn't really bother me. I had plenty of Easter baskets growing up. I just wanted to do something normal...happy for all of you. My new family."

Before Cas could reply, you could hear Dean cuss loudly down the hallway. No doubt he had tripped over the basket. "What is...an Easter basket?"

His loud ruckus had woke everyone else in the Bunker. You could hear more doors opening as Sam and Jack found theirs as well. "Well, I was hoping to have a little time to fix breakfast," you sighed.

Cas squeezed your shoulder. "Let me figure that out."

He vanished just as Dean came around the corner, his green basket in his hands. "Y/N, did you do this?"

You nodded, happy to see the child-like glee filling his face. Sitting his basket down, he came over to you, pulling you in his arms and pressing a kiss to your temple. "You're amazing, you know that right?"

"Did you even look in the basket?" You teased, just as Jack and Sam came into the library, their baskets in their hands as well.

With all three on the table, they began sorting through them, exclaiming at the chocolate and sweets nestled inside. "That's my girl!" Dean exclaimed, holding up a couple of miniature bottles of alcohol. "She gets me."

Jack's had mainly candy, along with a couple of new shirts. Sam's had that new documentary he had been talking about, along with some sour candy which he preferred to chocolate.

Your heart was overflowing with happiness watching their faces light up. You knew it was Jack's first Easter basket, but with the look and Sam and Dean's faces, you knew it had been a long time since they had received anything like this. It made you feel good knowing you could do something, even if it was little, to lighten their load, at least for a day.

"I have breakfast!" Cas exclaimed, his arms loaded with take out bags. He sat them down on the table, opening them up to show bacon and pancakes, waffles and eggs. Anything you could have wanted for breakfast.

Soon the four of you were sitting down to breakfast, Dean's hand clasped with your own. "This is the best Easter I can remember," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "You didn't have to do it, but thank you."

"I like Easter," Jack exclaimed before taking a huge bite out of his waffle.

"Me too," you agreed, squeezing Dean's hand.

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