Little Gifts

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Your room in the bunker had quickly become your own Oasis. Filled with little things that brought you joy, it was also probably the most changed room in the whole place. Your mattress had been switched out a couple of months ago, giving you one that was so much more comfortable than those old feather down ones.

You had replaced the scratchy blankets with soft and silky ones that just made you want to snuggle in bed all day. Your comforter was thick and plush, colorful to light up the drab room.

Pictures were taped to the walls, pictures that Dean and Sam always seemed to roll their eyes at, but never ignore your plea for them.

It made this brick and tile place your home. A place that you could come back to and feel like you belonged. A place that made you think, at least for a little while, that everything was going to be alright.

But it wasn't always an Oasis. Sometimes it seemed more like a prison, a place where you hid away, trying to hide the fact that your whole body was out to get you. Or at least that's what it seemed like.

On days like that, while you were tucked away in your room, Sam and Dean always seemed to give you the privacy you desired. Never asking questions, but there if you needed them. Especially Dean.

Dean. The man who had shown up one afternoon, promising to keep you safe. It had only been a vengeful spirit, but it had created a lasting friendship. And a new life for you. And while a hunting life wasn't perfect, it gave you the family you had always desperately wanted.

But things with Dean had started to change recently. He had always been there for you as a friend, but you felt yourself growing more attached. Your heart fluttered when he did the sweetest little things for you.

Sure, you had never expected Dean to be a romantic, and he wasn't. Not in the exact sense of the word. But on days when you stayed hidden in your little room, he made sure that you knew you were cared about.

The first day it was a brand new coffee mug, filled to the brim with peppermint tea. It was a purple mug, with Eeyore and some of his quotes. You loved Eeyore. You connected with him on a personal level, and it surprised you that Dean had remembered. Taking the tea, you gave him a smile, your heart fluttering at the unexpected gift.

The next time you found yourself wrapped in bed, wishing for the pain to go away, Dean quietly stepped into the room. His arms were full of the fluffiest blanket you had ever seen, his emerald eyes full of concern. "Thought of you when I saw this," he spoke softly, placing the blanket over you.

That was all he said as he left your room, but you didn't need him to say anymore. His actions spoke louder than words and brought a glimmer of hope in an otherwise gloomy day.

The third time, weeks later that you found yourself almost in tears at the pain, you sent them on a hunt, planning on spending the day sleeping away your pain. Dean had seemed hesitant to go, but you insisted, pleading with him to save another innocent life. He squeezed your hand for a moment, his calluses rough against your skin, the touch almost too much for your body to take. But you cherished the touch as he drove the Impala away, down to Texas to save a family from some ghouls.

Ignoring the soup you had promised him you would eat, you took the blanket he had so kindly given you before climbing onto his bed. It still smelled like him, an intoxicating aroma of mint, gunpowder, and musk. Wrapping yourself up in the Eeyore blanket, you let the comfort of just being in his room lull you to sleep.

Feeling better, you woke up to realize you were no longer alone. "Dean?" Your voice was thick with sleep. He was in the chair beside the bed, his head propped on his hand, sleeping awkwardly. But the second you spoke, he sat up. "Y/N, you're awake!"

That's when you realized you were still laying on his bed, wrapped up in the Eeyore blanket. Blushing, you started to climb off, but he held up his hand, stopping you. "I'm so sorry Dean," you whispered, your eyes downcast. "I just missed you and I...,"

"Don't apologize," he insisted. "Y/N, I knew you were hurting, and I hated leaving you. Sam got Garth, and I came back. When you weren't in your room, I was worried that...well, then I found you here, asleep."

"I didn't mean to invade your privacy," You apologized again.

He stood up, taking a bag from the floor before sitting on the bed beside you. "Y/N, to be honest, I liked seeing you here, sleeping on my bed. It's killed me to know that you're in pain, and I can do nothing about it."

Dean handed over the gift bag, and you opened it up to find the sweetest stuffed Eeyore inside. Cuddling it to your chest, you could feel tears welling up. "I know how much you like Eeyore. And I figured it's because you connect with him. It was the only thing I could think of to let you know how much I care about you. Y/N, I love you."

Your mouth hung open as you took in his words. You had always cared for Dean, but the way he cared for you when you were down had you falling in love with him. But you had never expected him to reciprocate the feelings. "Dean, I..."

"You don't have to respond," He answered quickly. "I know it's a lot, but I just wanted you to know my feelings. To have you know you're never alone in this."

"Dean, I love you too," you blurted out. "At first, I cared for you as a friend. But these past few weeks, I've come to realize it's blossomed into love."

"Good," He answered awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Because there's more."

He nodded down to your plush Eeyore, and that's when you saw it. A simple gold silver band, rimmed in gold. It had Eeyore in the middle, and one of your favorite quotes. "Some days look better upside down." You both read at the same time.

"It's a promise ring," he explained. "I didn't want to force you into anything, but I wanted to make this promise to you. That I will always be here for you. On the days you're feeling good, and the days you can hardly get out of bed. I don't want you to hide them anymore from me."

You could feel the tears trickling down your cheeks as you threw your arms around him, amazed at the sweetness this seasoned hunter was showing you. "Dean, this is absolutely perfect." 

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