Do You Hear What I Hear

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Glancing around, you pressed play on your phone, Christmas music playing softly through the speaker. Loud enough that you could enjoy it, but quiet enough that someone walking past your room couldn't hear it.

You could just imagine the smirk on Dean's face if he heard the happy holiday music you were playing. It wouldn't have been so bad, but it was before Thanksgiving, and Dean had a strict policy that Christmas couldn't start until December 1st.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and you quickly paused the music. "Y/N, do you know if we're out of batteries?"

"Dean, you're the last one to use them," you muttered. "But if we have any left, check in the electric room. Third drawer down."

"I just thought you might have needed them for a little holiday cheer," he winked, sitting down on the edge of your desk, the cheeky connotation in his voice had you knowing exactly what he was meaning.

"Dean!" You exclaimed, smacking him on the shoulder. "Mine is rechargeable."

He choked on his laughter, and you had a moment of glee at besting Dean. It didn't happen often.

He seemed in no big hurry to leave, thumbing through the book on your desk, not even looking at the pages. "Hey, what were you listening to?" He asked, reaching for your phone, the play button getting brushed and Christmas music started playing. "No way. Y/N, it's not even Thanksgiving yet!"

"Give me that!" You reached for the phone, but Dean held it up out of your reach. "Y/N you promised. None of that cheesy Holiday crap until after we cook the turkey."

Sighing, you gave up on trying to reach your phone. "I know. But sometimes Christmas music cheers me up."

He handed your phone over. "You needed cheering up? Why didn't you come find me? I would have cheered you up. Anyway, you wanted."

"Dean," you smacked his shoulder again, even though his words had all sorts of visions running through your mind. "It was just a mood. It will pass."

He stood up. "Well if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

Dean left your room, and you closed the book in front of you with a sigh. You weren't in the mood to research anymore. You weren't really in the mood to do anything.

Laying on your bed, you scrolled through your phone when you decided to take Dean up on his offer. Maybe the two of you could watch a movie, or go for a drive. Or whatever else he came up with.

Knocking on his door, you stepped into his room, stopping in your track. Dean was lounging on his bed, his booted feet crossed. Christmas music played through the speaker on his phone. Standing in the middle of his room, your hands on your hips, you glared at him. "Seriously? You make fun of me, yet you're doing the same thing!"

"You're right. It does cheer you up," he announced as he pressed pause. "We never really listened to Christmas music growing up. Hell, we never really did anything for Christmas. Maybe a thing of eggnog and a bucket of KFC. A present if we were lucky. Dad always thought Christmas music reminded him of Mom."

"Does it remind you of your Mom?" You asked, sinking down on the bed beside him.

Shrugging he reached for and would his hand through yours. "Not really. I just never took the time to enjoy it."

"Want to enjoy it together?" You offered.

"Sure," his face lit up, and he pressed play. Music started playing once again, and you scooted up on the bed. Dean patted the bed beside you, and you laid down beside him, resting your head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around you, both of you staying quiet as the music washed over you.

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