A Shot in the Dark

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Your jaw ached, so sore you could barely even swallow. Your left eye was swollen over, so tender it hurt to blink. Your shirt was shredded, your skin just as bad below. The cotton was sticky with blood, catching against the torn skin with each movement.

But you were alive, and that's what mattered right now. You were hidden, away from the vicious claws and teeth of the pack of werewolves. Holed up in some root cellar, cold and shaking with pain. You had time to regroup and figure out your next plan of action.

Gritting your teeth against the pain, you were able to pull your cell phone from your pocket. Each tap of your finger was excruciating, making you realize you could add at least one broken knuckle to the list.

Dean answered on the third ring. "Hey Y/N, where are you? Sam and I were starting to get worried."

"I was worried also," Cas spoke in the background, and even with the trouble you were in, you couldn't help but smile. The smile made you cry out in pain, alerting Dean instantly to your situation.

"Looks like the worrying was right," he muttered. "What's going on sweetheart?"

You were trying to be so tough, but the nickname had a tear slipping down your cheek. "I screwed up big time," you whispered. You could hear howling in the distance, the werewolves searching for your scent. It wouldn't be long until they found it and your hiding place would be exposed. And your battered state wouldn't put up much of a fight. "I didn't mean to go after them alone. They just found me."

"The werewolves did," Dean mumbled, and you could hear the roar of the Impala in the background. He was already on his way, coming to the rescue.

"They brought me out here, tried to kill me. I got away," you groaned when you moved, trying to ease some of the pain. "But Dean, they're on my scent. It's not going to be long now."

"Hey Y/N, it's Sam," Sam took the phone from his brother. "We've tracked your location. Hang tight, we'll be there in ten."

"Sam, I don't know if I have ten," you admitted, glancing down at the blood that was staining your clothes. If the werewolves didn't find you, the wounds they had inflicted were taking their toll.

"Damn it," he whispered before a muffled conversation happened on the other end of the line. "Dean's gunning it. We'll be there...,"

Your phone beeped before Sam's voice faded away. Your phone had died, leaving you completely out of touch. Throwing it against the wall, you shivered, the blood loss starting to affect you. The wind swirled around the small root cellar, another glimmer of hope in this dismal situation you found yourself in.

Through the wind you could hear the howling of the werewolves, drawing close. Their large paws crunched the leaves, their claws ripped at the bark. Staying as quiet as possible, you slid deeper into the cellar, hidden underneath the rotting wooden shelf hoping that Dean would find you before the wolves.

Dean. He was the one bright spot in your life. You just hoped that you would be able to see him once more. Even if the wolves dared take you from this life, you had known the love of Dean Winchester. A man that so many people feared, but you were one of the few who saw the kind and loving man he could be.

Lightning light the small root cellar, the thunder that quickly followed shaking the rotting wood so hard you feared it would come crashing down on your head. Rain started to fall, pounding on the roof above you, already starting to seep under the heavy wooden door. The rain was a welcome relief with the chance it could hide your scent and wash away your footprints.

The werewolves howls were even louder, filled with frustration before one yipped. You could hear gunfire echoing through the rain. Another werewolf yipped before it crashed against the door of the cellar, shattering it with its weight.

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