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Dean x Reader

Dean x Reader

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It wasn't very often you let yourself go. As in drinking as much as you wanted, forgetting that your life was a train wreck. But after nothing but hunts for the past month, seeing people you couldn't save, you needed to let off a little steam.

Dean had offered to come with you, but you needed to be by yourself. If Dean was there, you would only have eyes for him, and he would only have eyes for the bar tender, or the waitress in the skimpy skirt. Then, you would end up miserable and drunk, crying yourself to sleep in bed once again. And you couldn't take that. So, you figured you would come and drink, and maybe find some strapping man to get your mind off the green eyes that seemed to haunt your every waking moment.

"Another!" You exclaimed, holding up your empty shot glass, giggling with the couple of girls you had started hanging out with. They seemed nice, and down to earth, and you really needed the girl time. The waiter shook his head, but went to get more to drink, just as you felt hands land heavily on your waist. Turning to see the culprit, you saw a handsome man staring down at you.

"Hey sweetie. Why don't you come dance with me?" He asked you, but you shook your head no. You were having fun, and you decided you didn't really care about a one-night stand. "You sure? I can really make it worth your while." He insisted, and you shook your head no once again.

"Your loss." He muttered, walking away, and you turned to see the two girls you were hanging out with staring at you with open mouths.

"What?" You asked, grabbing a shot from the waiter, downing it before he even placed the rest on the table.

"That was Ryley! Nobody ever turns him down!" Stacy exclaimed, reaching over to grab a shot as well.

"Well, there's a first for everything." You muttered, feeling a little light headed as the alcohol finally started effecting you.

"Damn girl, you're awesome." The other girl, Brianna muttered. "Do you bat for the other team? Or is there a man waiting for you at home?"

Sighing, you downed another shot. "There's a man. But he only knows me like a sister, so it's never going to happen."

"Well, that's something to drink to." Stacy said, ordering another round of shots.

After your table was completely filled with empty shot glasses, and phone numbers were exchanged, you stumbled towards the front door. Both Stacy and Brianna had finally found men of their own to go home with, leaving you there with Ryley staring intently your way.

Realizing you were in no shape to drive, you sighed, about ready to call a cab when you saw Ryley push away from the wall, heading straight towards you. Doing something you knew you would regret, you pulled out your phone, swaying slightly as you dialed Dean's phone number.

"Hey, what's up?" He answered quickly, and you could hear muted laughter behind him.

"I need a drink...no..I meant a drive. That's not right." You muttered, your alcohol fuzzed brain having difficulty coming up with words.

"You need a ride sweetheart?" He chuckled.

"That's it!" You exclaimed. "A ride. Please."

"Be there in ten." He answered, hanging up the phone, just as Ryley came up towards you.

"Notice your friends left. How can I change your mind?" He asked you, trapping you close to the wall.

"Nope. Not changing." You muttered, pushing at his chest. With a frown, he stepped back, and you wobbled past him. "You're hot, but I've got an even hotter man coming to ride me...I mean pick me up." You blushed at the image the words imprinted into your mind.

"He's a lucky man." Ryley said, walking away.

Sitting down at the bar, you ordered another drink, sipping at this one, feeling lightweight. You were completely drunk, but you didn't care.

As you raised your hand to order another one, you heard Dean's deep voice behind you. "Nope, the ladies done." He said for you, tossing down a couple of bills before helping you to your feet. Keeping his arm around your waist, he guided you out of the bar, and you snuggled into his side, blaming it on the alcohol.

After you slid into the Impala, you fell to your side, laying across the bench seat. As soon as Dean opened the door, he leaned down looking at you, chuckling softly. "How much did you have to drink?"

"Not enough." You muttered, letting him help you back to a sitting position. Soon, Dean had the Impala on the road, and you leaned your head back, closing your eyes.

"Did you have fun tonight?" He asked you. Mumbling yes, you didn't even open your eyes. "Seemed like there was a man there who couldn't keep his eyes off you."

"That was just Ryley. But he's not the man I'm interested in." You answered, yawning.

"There is a man you're interested in?" He asked, and you missed how deep his voice had gotten.

"Yep." You answered proudly. "He's very hot, and drives a 'mazing car."

Dean stayed silent for a while, and you were almost asleep when he spoke again. "Y/N, you should go for it. There isn't much happiness in our lifestyle, and if there's a man out there who will make you happy, then you need to go for it."

"Maybe I will." You agreed, and you could have sworn you heard his teeth grinding together.

Before you knew it, Dean was pulling into the garage, and you turned to him. "Dean, thanks for letting me ride you...I mean, for giving me a ride."

His eyes darkened at your words, but he smiled. "Of course. Anything for you."

Acting on his words, you almost stumbled over your feet in your haste to grab his shirt. Pulling him to you, you pressed your lips against his. After first he just stood there, but then his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him.

Groaning, he ended the kiss as quickly as it started. "No, we can't. You're drunk, and you'll regret it in the morning. I'm not the man you're in love with."

"Shove it Dean." You muttered, pushing him on his chest. "It's always been you. That's why I drank t'night."

You could almost literally feel the indecision in him. Groaning, he leaned down, picking you up. Carrying you down the hallway, he passed your room, heading straight for his. "Dean, it's not my room!"

"I know. But this way, when you wake up in the morning, we can make sure it wasn't the alcohol talking. That you feel the same way about me that I feel about you." He explained.

"Alcohol doesn't talk silly." You giggled, as he reached down and pulled out a spare t-shirt.

Stripping out of your clothes, you turned to see Dean staring at you. "I hope you aren't messing with me Y/N. Because I've been in love with you for months."

"Maybe you should have gotten drunk earlier." You said, poking him in the chest.

Sliding into bed, he let you cuddle against him. "Yeah maybe. But you're the cuter drunk out of the two of us."

Yawning, you started to close your eyes when you felt his lips press against your temple. "Sleep Y/N. Then we can talk about the future in the morning." 

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