Memories in Snow

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Everything seemed the same. Snow was falling gently to the ground, adding to the heavy layer crunching under your foot. A covered bridge greeted you, a large wreath decorating the warm redwood. A matching barn was off to the side of the lot, with fields of beautiful, snow-covered Christmas trees beyond.

It was absolutely breathtaking. And cold. Even dressed in the warmest clothes you had, you could still feel the cold sinking through. You really looked forward to the hot chocolate and sitting in front of the fire while they placed the tree on your car.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Dean asked you, peering down at you with concern. "We can always come back later. Or go to a different place. I mean, we don't even have to...,"

"No," you interrupted him. "This is fine. I need to do this. We both need this."

Nodding, he didn't seem very convinced. Staying by your side, he brushed the snow that had already gathered on the collar of his coat. "Let's get this over with so we can get warm again."

Chuckling, you threaded your arm through his, nestling against your best friend's side. "We just got here."

"I don't like getting cold," he grumbled.

Heading past the barn, you led the way. You had done this many times before. Heading out in the cold winter air, making your way through the freshly fallen snow. Just to find the perfect tree to place in the Bunker. But this year, it was hard, and you were just going to do your best to push through it.

"That lot over there has the best trees," you explained to Dean. "We'll head over there, find the perfect tree. We'll tag it, and while we're sipping hot chocolate, they'll cut it and tie it to our car for us."

"They do all the heavy work?" You nodded. "I like this place better already."

Trudging through the snow, you headed back to the little corner that held so many memories. Dean stayed a little ways behind, letting you having a moment if you needed it. You were doing okay until you rounded the corner and you saw it. The place your life had changed. The lopsided tree still stood in the middle of the field, blanketed on only one side with snow.

"That tree?" Dean mumbled, staring dubisouly it's way, not noticing the tears that shimmered in your gaze.

"Dean, it's...," your voice broke. Because how could you tell him. This was the place that Sam had proposed to you three years ago. In front of this poor little tree, his knee sinking into the heavy snow.

"You alright?" Dean asked, his hand resting on your shoulder.

Sniffling back your tears, you shook your head. He pulled you into his embrace, wrapping you tight. "I know this is hard. Maybe we shouldn't have come."

"No, we needed to," you sniffled. "This tree. That's where he proposed."

A light chuckle rumbled Dean's chest. "Of course Sammy would have picked the goofiest tree."

"It made it easy to remember. Nobody ever wanted it. But Sam, he loved this place. Loved coming out here and finding the perfect tree for the bunker."

"He loved it because you loved having the bunker decorated," Dean argued.

"I wish he was here," you whispered. "Dean, I know it's been six months, but I miss him so much."

"It should have been me. That Demon was coming after me, and Sam never should have,"

You looked up at him, tears in both your eyes and his. "That wouldn't have been Sam's way. I just want to try and celebrate Christmas like he would have wanted."

"Well, we're starting right. With the tree. Let's find the perfect one," Dean said, keeping his arm around you.

Wiping away the tears, you smiled up at him, knowing exactly which one you wanted. It would be like having Sam by your side once again. "Dean, I want this one." 

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