48 : the End

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~1 week later~

Everybody was there. The entire school, they cried.

All of those people, they didn't know him like I did.

The sluts didn't know him, they just wanted his body eyes, lips, hair.

The hockey team and swimmers were somewhat genuine, some cried the rest just stood there.

Of course, Ms Mason cried. She had strange fantasies about Axel.

I was furious when I saw their faces. They were all fake, China rejected them because they're plastic is fake.

Tears of rage spilled down my cheeks, my body shook from the pain.

Here he lay, lifeless in a navy blue box. But somehow he still looked gorgeous.

He was my Axel. My first, my heart. So could you blame me for closing the lid? Closing off the vultures from the precious deer in front of me?


I shrugged off Simon's hand from my shoulder angrily,"No!" I yelled climbing onto the casket holding onto it for dear life.

I felt the tears stream down my cheeks and the pain intensified.

"Chloe let go." Cherry murmured as she failed to pull me off.

"No! You...you don't...." I sighed. Even now, I was a stuttering mess.

"You don't know him, you don't know Axe Body Spray like I do. You don't care about him!" I screamed.

"Let me go!!"

"None off you cared about him! None of you knew he was dying or even cared to ask him about his day or if he pooped or read a book on Wattpad or anything. None of you knew that his favorite color is was white or his favorite ice cream flavor was neither vanilla nor chocolate or his favorite song is Surrender by Nina Nessbitt."

I was now a sobbing mess and dank to the damp grass, curling up into a ball pathetically in front of them all.

"They don't know you Axel. They don't love you the way I do." I sobbed for what seemed like ages, hoping that he would come back somehow. I couldn't feel anything besides the anguish that burrowed itself deep into my heart.

I resented him, I hated him for making me fall in love with him. I hated him for being such a cinnamon roll.

The hate i felt for him was so passionate that it was in fact love.

~2 years later~


Hundreds of people surrounded me in awe.

I was...broken inside

Lonely and cold even in a room full of people I still felt lonely.

'if you're lonely, switch off the lights and watch a horror movie. Then after a while you won't feel alone'~Axel.

I sighed reading the last note from the last cupcake he gave me before he...

Tears brimmed my eyes and my stomach twisted into knots at the thought of 'him'

Wow, you naughty bottomless pit I said inwardly to my stomach as it rumbled as the thought of Axe Body Spray's cupcakes crossed my mind.

I held the small child in my arms, she was heavy but okay I guess.

I stared at my artwork as if it was for the first time.

I clutched his necklace and it felt like an eternity since our last embrace.

"Momma?" The small child said to me, I looked down at her and she grabbed my index finger...it was a habit of hers to do.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to see a silver haired woman in thick glasses.

She looked familiar, "Hello. You are the legendary Bacon Spray yes?" She inquired smiling.

Her smile was ecstatic.

"Yes." I said nodding forcing a tired smile..

She took a huge step in her block heels and turned to look at me.

"I'm Veronica Ryan. Head of-"

"Star-struck publishing." I said acknowledging her.

She looked shocked

I never ever forgot faces.

Especially hers.

"Yes. Umm...could you please tell me of your work?" She asked.

I was surprised.

No one in the entire gallery asked me that *note the sarcasm*

Since I was used to it, I tried my best to be patient.

But for her, I tried to make it more interesting.

"Tell me about what inspired your creations and how they started from the street to here."

Her voice was just like Merryl Streep's from into the woods.

I paused and stared a while longer at the artwork.

It was Axel actually who started this.

"It all started when I was flushed down the toilet..."

"What?!" She asked horrified her face turning into that of a grimace.

"Yup. Now hush..."

She zipped her pink lips and nodded...

"As I was saying. I had a talent for attacking floors. And falling backwards was the best way of-"

"M'am are you insane?" She asked catching me off guard.

"Of course no-...well...I guess I am. Wait a moment ....I need to talk to myself for a bit."

I turned away from her then spun back on my heel frightening her.


"As I was saying, floors and chairs always hated me for being so boujee so they dropped me every sec-"

"Chloe!" That was Simon's voice and he walked up to me with Cherry the child in my arms squirmed,"Joelle stop misbehaving." Cherry scolded.

I set her down and watched as she ran to her parents happily. They both embraced her and my heart fluttered.

"She's not yours?" I turned to Veronica and shook my head.

"Of course not. " I wish I had banged Axel before he'd died, sadly no. Life and the universe just had to be self-entitled bitches. And I know that you'd also have enjoyed the smut.

Now, all I as left with was the massive graffiti I did of Axel two years ago, his car, scarf and the voice in my head that reminded me that Axel's ass was big.

"Anyways... when I was born I was flushed down the toilet and when I was older, the boy in the painting tried the same thing which-"

"What?" She asked wide-eyed.

"Listen!" I snapped.

She nodded.

Goodness. I was getting a migraine..

"It was one of those days where my alarm clock was being a bitch and I fell onto the floor because my bed hated me for sleeping in it and the floor hurt my butt because it was jealous."

I leaned in to whisper, "The floor's flat....."

The Flippin' End!!!!

AN)thank you all to my loyal avocados for reading my work. This was enjoyable. Thank you for all the support. I hope you like the chapter❤️bye사랑해

It All Started when I was FLUSHED down the TOILETWhere stories live. Discover now