40 : •when Cherry met Simon•

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~Cherry P.O.V~

I could taste the expired sardines on his breath.

His hot, disgusting, revolting breath.

Warming my skin like some kind of predator waiting to devour its prey.


I decided that it was best to keep my mouth closed earlier. I'd already learnt my lesson from screaming, mom said she would pull the belt on me and I didn't like the belt.

I really really didn't like the belt.

So my parents watched as I was ravaged by this big ugly stranger as he held my legs into a tight grip so that I wouldn't kick him.

At least that's the reason why I thought he was tying my ankles to either legs of the chair.

His sickening grin and deliberate chuckle frightened me when he turned on the ginormous electric needle.

My eyes shot wide open and I screamed again watching it inch closer to my left arm, which is also tied at the wrist.

My mother groaned out of annoyance and yelled at me, "Let the man do his job Alysson!Stop crying!"

I shut my mouth again and started to whimper, the strange man in front of me continued and progressed to my arm.

Annoyance was visible on his face too.

My sleeve was ripped off earlier to prevent any distractions.

I didn't like this at all.

My parents were so kind to me all these twelve years, they're nearly unrecognizable now.

Their faces plastered with fury and anger.

Especially my once sweet mother.

I understood that at the age of twelve, everybody had to do this.

Strangely, I'd always dreamt of this day. The day I'd finally become a member of the coven.

It's just that now that the day had arrived, I was so doubtful.

And scared and terrified.

Did I mention there was a giant noisy needle inching closer to my skin?

It felt like a billion wasp stingers, piercing my skin.

Tears dropped from my eyes and the pain never ceased.

It only increased, burning my fragile skin like a molten fire.

I bit my lip so hard, I tasted metal in my saliva, this only made me cry even more.

I had never experienced anything like this before.

~the present~

"Cherry my darling, time for school!" My mother yelled loud enough for me to hear from my bedroom.

I packed my bag and sorted out everything else at six in the morning.

I was too excited to sleep last night so I stayed up.

It was my first day at a public school and I intended to make the best out of it.

I made sure that my outfit was of standard and just up to date with the millenials of today.

I walked briskly to the kitchen and bowed my head slightly out of respect before I answered my mother.

"Good morning mother."

She nodded politely and smiled, her grey eyes smiling with her.

I sat down and put my bag on the floor my foot bouncing in anticipation.

It All Started when I was FLUSHED down the TOILETWhere stories live. Discover now