34: 'let it out just don't fart please'

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Oh for the love of pizza rolls and bacon!

Was my day ever going to improve or did somebody just randomly decide that it was bite Chloe in the butt day? That's...that's kinky.

I stood awkwardly in front of 'him'. The one I feared to speak to. The one I ran away from like the cowardly chicken I was.

I tried by all means to get through the remaining days without talking to him which was insanely difficult. 

I ignored his texts, his cupcakes and worst of all...his cupcakes. Yeah I had to say that twice. My stomach rumbled at the thought of them.

"Damn it!"I mumbled under my breath.

I resented Cherrie and Xanny for dragging me down here, I wasn't even in the proper attire for skiing.  I was only wearing my beanie, boots and thick sweater. It was still cold out here.

Technically, I wasn't going skiing. I was in the middle of arguing with Cherrie and Xanny who I had just noticed board a cable car ahead of me and the line had literally ended. It was just me and Axe Body Spray.

So much for friends, leaving me with this mess that I clearly did not have the balls to confront.

He was also not dressed appropriately for this and something had me thinking that maybe he did that on purpose.

All he wore was a fleece jacket, jeans and boots. How'd he even get up here?

Don't mind me; he still looked pretty damn hot.

His eyes were a deep grey and I sure never knew when a Blackpink comeback was coming up but I knew damn well that a storm was coming.

He stepped closer to me in the snow breathing heavily. Jeez did he actually climb up here?

I thought he had angels carrying him wherever he went.

Heck, I thought he was an actual angel.

"Chloe. I don't. I don't know why you're avoiding me."He started but I just proceeded to walk in the direction of the next lift.

Anything to get away from him.

"Are you two boarding?"Somebody asked and I shook my head but I reconsidered this.

I wanted to get as far away as possible from my hell. I wasn't going to have to explain that I was jealous of Axel.

"You know what? No mothafucka"I said sprinting in the snow away from the deadly looking transport thingies and away from Axe Body Spray.

My ass clapped as I ran but I completely ignored it and kept running as fast as possible. A glint of hope fluttered in my heart as I saw a familiar black S.UV parked right by the entrance of the skii place. 

I threw myself against the side of the car and nervously pulled on the door handle and to my luck it opened.

I hopped in quickly leaning against the seat and breathing heavily as the cold finally slipped away from my thin layer of clothing.

"Peace at last." I breathed out as my heart rate began to normalize cause shit it was beating loudly.

I was interrupted by the opening and closing of the door. Cool air and snow sweeping in completely disorienting my brief moment of peace. 

I heard the shallow breaths of the male next to me recognizing the tenor in his voice. My heart as back in my butt as I pieced it together who's car I'd broken into.

"Well damn Chlo. It seems you're a terrible runner. I hate to see what our kids are gonna turn out to be. At least i'm an Olympian, otherwise we'd be raising literal cabbages."

It All Started when I was FLUSHED down the TOILETWhere stories live. Discover now