"Hey! I may not be that smart, athletic or attractive or talented or good at cooking, I burn water man.....wait....where am I going with this?"
Chloe Anderson is just a basic bitch who has an extraordinarily basic best friend and an even more basic...
It was the coolest winter frozen themed mansion I'd ever seen in my entire short pringle filled existence!!
As Axel glided through the driveway, I quickly admired it's beauty as it became much much clearer to me.
Lights. The lights were gorgeous as they nearly outshined the beauty of the place and the driveway was literally just snow.
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Axe seemed to slow down a bit as we neared a whole long row of extremely expensive cars. Well I assumed that, seeing the covered shapes of huge cars in varieties of size since they were all cloaked in car covers from the snow.
He finally parked the car when he found suitable parking and I gulped hard, my heart resuming it's supernatural pace.
I felt a light squeeze in my hand guessing Axel had read panic all over my face and body. It wasn't hard to. I was an open chat of text messages after all.
"Ready?" He asked as soon as we got out of the car and onto the gorgeous door step which took like a minute to get to as a flight of stairs came before it.
I shook my head in answer and Axe just looked at me smiling. He turned to kiss my forehead, a happy grin showing.
"You'll love her. And they'll love you!"
It took a sec for my last braincell to form the idea light ontop of my head.
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"Auntie Pearrrl!"I whined as she pinched my cheeks and stuffed my face with another snicker-doodle; laughing as she did so. Her laugh coming out strangely hoarse yet light-hearted. For her old age she was incredibly stunning and active as she was the one showing me how she made her amazing snickerdoodles.
But now she was laying comfortably in a large chaise lounge by the warm fireplace, the plate of pastries and sweets on the coffee table beside her; teasing the shit out of me. I saw next to her, my hand clasped in hers with Axe closely on my left side(she did that of course).
"My darling granddaughter in law, you need to gain some weight in order for my grand babies to be cooked properly in your little oven." she remarked poking my stomach with her sharp-nailed red polished index finger.
I blushed furiously, swallowing my snicker doodle in silence. I shot Axe a desperate look but he just looked at me a little too much like he looks at lettuce. He adores lettuce by the way, don't get me wrong...the boy's a rabbit.
He as far away in wonderland as he stuffed his face with yet another snicker doodle.
I reprimanded his dreamy face with a look that said ' you're going to get fat asshole' as if his fat ass was going to get any bigger than Jupiter.
I felt her porcelain fingers stroke my hand,which brought me to attention as she sat quietly all of the sudden.
"You know my darling. I think that you and my boy are going to produce an army of glorious fair haired brown eyed children soon. No, I know so. Besides...the snicker doodles do have a way of making things happen over night. I doubt you saw the little ingredient I added in them." She winked at both me and Axel who had just started to choke on his desserts. Slapping his tongue in attempt to remove the residue in it.
My eyes were just as wide as his. His were the sides of disks.
What did she sayy????
I was beyond mortified.
"Don't tell me! Please say that you didn't-"Axe started but was cut off by her holding a finger to her lips, diamond rings gleaming in the light.
"It's only for the best my boy. Do this for me before die." She said in a more serious tone.
"Please!!!I'm not ready to be a dad. I love Chloe but this is all too much!Oh man." He sighed heavily looking hopeless.
"It's tradition Axel."
I just watched gaping like a fish out of water.
Silence cut the room like a knife.
I was confused, mortified, scared out of my ass, attracted to the way Axel smelt. Oh my word he smelt like Christmas.
"She put a drug in the snicker doodles." Axe finally said to me seeing the look of utter stupidity on my face.
I could not explain my horror,
"What?!" I demanded nearly getting up.
"Honey, it's a love potion." She corrected smiling a bit.
Excuse me?
But then I remembered, it couldn't possibly work.
"Oh, okay.I get it. It just makes the food taste better, I get it."
They exchanged looks, Axe as worried and Aunt Pearl was just ecstatic.
"Chloe."Axe Body Spray said more seriously, I turned furrowing my eyebrows.
"For generations, our family has been given this...potion to aid...well...family size. Long lines of Greys have been produced. After consumption...well...it's not long til-"
"Bow chikawowowow." Aunt Marie said as she sauntered in a thick file in hand and four jet black haired teens who were back from hunting, the smell of pine filling the room.
"Aunt Marie."I groaned.
She was Axe's aunt and she just really was part of the fandom that was shipping me and Axel.
"You're filling the room with snow!" Aunt Em scolded as she walked in, her fair hair the brightest shade of strawberry blonde in the room.
I stroked mine self-consciously.
Edgar, Janet,Charlie and Edmond sat on the sofa across from us, looking slightly exhausted from their trip.
We'd met before a few hours ago before they left for the trip.They ere honestly just lovely.
Their ages ranging from 11 to 15.
Their mother was aunt Em who had no interest in hunting and just stayed in her room watching a crime drama.
It was strange how she was fair haired yet her children had black hair like tar.
Beats me.
"Finally, you're all here for the dinner!" Auntie Pearl exclaimed happily.
"Hurry and freshen up and head to the ball room before our guests arrive. Oh my darling Chloe!Say that you and Axel will stay!"She said turning the floor to me.
I glanced quickly at Axel but he as useless as he for some reason wouldn't stop giving me googly eyes and twirling my hair in his fingers, sniffing it non stop.
Anxiety crept in my chest. My heart pounding as I nodded smiling crookedly,watching as they all stared at me with glee.
"Oh wonderful!!"She exclaimed getting up and pulling me with her into a painful bearhug.
Axe stood up as well,smiling happily from behind her and for a moment, I knew that my heart wasn't in my butt anymore.