Some memories....

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Mirai's P.O.V.
Zhou  Keung understood something and layed on bed. He then said "Don't worry. I will never beat you. I can't think about this even in my life".

I came towards him and replied "You got it wrong. I didn't mean that".

Instead of hearing what I told he said "I am tired. Let me take rest".

That is savage. I didn't expected this answer. But I need to worry about the king of Cesta, since he is the only one who tried to kill me.

I was just leaving  when he spoke "Then what do you mean?".

I replied "I can't explain.....I just didn't mean that".

After saying this I left. I closed the door and I saw the guards who were guarding the door. I passed them. My brain was saying "I really can't ask Zhou Keung to help my sibling". I met An after getting out of the huge Phoenix hall.
The only thing I wanted to do now is to get to know my husband more from the servants.
I talked to An. At first I asked her "Why does the emperor doesn't lets any maid get inside the Phoenix hall?".
An replied with a low voice "I don't know. But the other maids say that the emperor doesn't allows anyone to get near to him much. There are  only a few maids who can enter this hall".
I summoned other maids and asked them about him and his mother. After   many questions I got to the conclusion that Zhou Keung had a hard past. He had to live 20 years without his mother.  He sometimes becomes possessive because he doesn't wants to lose someone.

Time skip

It was evening and he was again checking the confidential documents. I was drawing a sketch of a cherry blossom tree on the paper.
Suddenly Zhou Keung summoned me. I entered the study and bowed to him.  He smiled  and then said "Honey we are alone. Don't be so formal. Here, sit down". He put his left hand beside him to indicate where to sit. I sat down and asked "Why did you summoned me?".
He replied "Your father asked me to help him win the war by killing Lou Cheung which is not a tough job for me. Tomorrow, morning I will have to leave  the palace. I will miss you".

I replied without any emotion "Hubby, when you will be on your way please be careful".

I already know that Lou Cheung would apply every trick he knows to make my husband emotionally weak because he can't win this battle by attacking him physically.
It should not happen. If he dies then I will be buried alive with him.

Zhou Keung said "I will be careful. I can kill thousands of people in a blink of eye. Are you really worried about me or someone else? You are not acting like you used to do before our wedding".

My gaze was downwards. It is so much difficult to not to think about my problems while facing him.

I looked at him and  said "Hubby please be careful. Please think carefully about your actions before doing them. Be ready with another plan and don't trust any of your enemies ".

Zhou Keung replied "Honey can we chat a little more. I want to know you better before leaving".

I said "Hubby, I don't want to ". As soon  as I was about to refuse his offer  he put his finger on my lip.

He said "What a beautiful day it is! Maybe I wouldn't be able to talk to you for weeks".

I agreed to talk to him. I asked "What do you want to talk about? Should we talk about your plan?".
He said "I  have planned what I have to do. First I will kill the general of the army. Then he wouldn't be able to do anything".
I asked "Why do you think he wouldn't be able to do anything? "
He said "Because he is the only one who really has a plan and the strength to control the army. I will kill Lou Cheung along with all his heirs after  the general's death".
I was impressed by his wit but I was also scared of his powers.
I asked "What will  happen if they will change their  plans? ".
He laughed and said "You have forgotten about my powers. Because of lots of practice I can read anyone's mind no matter how far they are if I think about them".
I used to think that if someone has such powers then they are undefeated.
I asked him out of curiosity "If you had this power you could have avoided this injury". I touched his chest where the injury was.
He replied "Many things can't be avoided by anyone in this world even though they know what will someone do next. Forget this. First I want to know what you're feeling? ".
I didn't understood what he is trying to say. So I asked "I don't know what are you talking about ".
He replied "Father in law told that you were depressed after your aunt's death. Are you feeling better here than when you were there? ".
I just nodded my head and replied "Yes I am ".
But there's something I want to ask him. Who will attend the court meetings? As if he got what I was thinking. 
He suddenly spoke "If you are wondering who would attend the court meetings on my behalf then let me tell you my father does all the court  meetings because he is the most  intelligent person whom I believe can do this task. It's time you should meet my father".
I said " not".
He didn't allowed me to complete my sentence and said with anger "Oh! Come on! You are acting like my father is going to eat you up".
He held my hand and took me to his father's palace.
We reached his father's palace. I was nervous to meet him. What would he think? Will he be happy to see me?
The armed guards reported "The great emperor of Wisteria and Her Highness have arrived".
His father ordered "Let them in".
As we entered I saw him on his bed. I noticed that he is very sick.
Zhou Keung "Father she was the one I was talking about. Her name is Mirai".
I couldn't think what to do. So I just bowed to him.
He said "Can you please wait outside Zhang Mirai".
I know It was a order. So I just waited outside. The sun already has set. I can see the golden color which was spread all around the garden. In Adarlan, at this time it used to snow.

I recalled the days when I used to play with my aunt  when I was of 5 years old. How I used to make a snow castle and how I used to hear stories from her. But when I was of 14 years old she passed away because of wrong treatment. How the Royal Physician was killed after doing that treatment. How much I regretted from that day. I recalled now why I decided to learn about herbs and learn how to cure diseases. How I decided to not to do the same mistake. How I saved Zhou Keung from poison. This is my first step. This sunset gave me a new hope.
I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. Then I saw Zhou Keung behind me.
He asked "What have you been thinking, dear? I called you so many times but you didn't replied".
I replied "I was just thinking that I should start studying more. That's all".

End of P.O.V.

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