My secret

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Zhou Keung is ruling his Kingdom Wisteria nicely. But the ministers are always complaining behind his back. It's now a fact that he can read people's mind. Everyone is scared of him. He observed that the maids too are afraid of him.

Zhou Keung to himself 'I must find her before it becomes too late. But I am afraid that no one exist who will accept me '.

Zhou Keung thought of doing a quick search about unmarried princesses to find his match. But whenever a princess gets to know about his power she instantly refuses to marry him.

In Adarlan
On the other hand the old king of Adarlan is worried about attacks from outsiders. Suddenly he got a proposal from Wisteria asking for hand of his daughter's in marriage with the great emperor Zhou Keung.

Li Jing knowing that this day will come refused it by saying 'If father accepts this proposal I will commit suicide. It's better than to marry such a monster'.

But Zhang Yong wants to safeguard his country's people by forming an alliance.

He asked Li Hua to accept this proposal. But she told politely that 'Mirai will be the right match for the emperor. She is very intelligent and beautiful than both of us. The emperor would be impressed at the first glance'.

Zhang Yong summoned Mirai.
He told with a dominating voice 'Mirai I want you to know that Emperor Zhou Keung sent me a proposal for marriage of any of my three daughters. Will you marry him? '
Mirai told kindly 'I know you want to safeguard your country's people but according to their customs my fiance must meet me before marrying me. Can I meet him first?"

After coming out of the king's room

An said 'Princess what you did? You hate that man so much. He is a monster. If after marriage your new husband finds out that what will happen? Have you thought?
Mirai told confidently 'My big sisters knew that he is a mind reader that's why the two of them denied. Shame on them! Pushing their little sister towards danger'. After taking a deep breath she said 'I cannot deny this proposal. Just for the king's sake. I must forget about any feelings I once had for the Emperor. Our empire is suffering from losses due to the wars. If we get..'.
An disrupted her.
An told 'But princess you don't like him '
Mirai told 'I agree I did hate him. He can read people's minds. How can I even live a person with the fear of being discovered of my greatest secrets? But I wanted to know everything about him".
An told 'that's why you proposed a meeting to meet Zhou Keung?'
Mirai told 'you can think so' while smiling. 'I just want to know him better'.
Mirai's P.O.V.
He used so many intense words in his message. When I read it I understood that he is suffering from some kind of pain.
The great king of Adarlan, I Zhou Keung the Emperor of Wisteria here want to make an proposal for one of your three daughters for the hand of marriage. I will be happy to make her my loyal wife.
Loyal the word. Why did he used this word? Did anyone betray him. He neither boasted about his empire unlike other proposals we have got nor he considered himself worthy. The message is hidden with so much loneliness. He doesn't even wants to get someone's attention. Even though I heard the rumors that he is a monster, shameless creature, cold blooded and many more. But it doesn't matters until I know him better.
End of P.O.V.
I heard the messenger left with the request to Wisteria.
After 4 days.....
When the messenger arrived Zhou Keung's court Zhou Keung already had accepted unacceptance. But he felt surprised when he heard that the third daughter has requested him to meet her so she gets to know him better. This is some kind of different feedback. I never used to get such responses.The other girls whom I have met have denied immediately after realizing the truth.
An asked 'Princess why aren't you understanding? You can't.... Zhou Keung'.
Mirai asked "Can you tell me how to differentiate between a good and bad man or woman"
An paused and then replied 'No princess'.

Mirai then asked "Can you tell me how to differentiate between a good or bad man".
An replied no princess I can't.
Mirai answered wisely 'It's really easy to differentiate between a good and bad married man or woman by observing how they treat their spouse. But for differentiating a good or bad unmarried person we need to lay out every negative aspect of ourselves to see who stays with us. This is how life goes'.
Zhou Keung's father Zhou Le asked 'Are you leaving?'
Zhou Keung replied 'Yes father'.
Zhou Le asked again 'Have you decided what you are going to ask her?'
Zhou Keung told 'I will decide it on the way'.
Zhou Le said 'Never forget to make sure she that she accepts all your negative qualities'.

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