My decision

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Zhou Keung's P.O.V.

I was overreacting. She must be missing her family. And it has been so long. I read her letters. Her legs must be hurting after the punishment.

I hurriedly went there with my eunuch and asked the maid if Mirai is alright. The maid said that she is resting inside. After I heard that she is  resting I went back to the study to see if everything is handled well by the prince regent , my father. After checking the account books and other accounts I noticed that a huge amount  of money was taken account from the treasure used by the empire in case of flood.

I called one of my spies by informing my most trusted shadow guard. After waiting for half an hour the spies entered. They were both dressed in black clothes. I ordered one of my spies to spy on the general Li and other to spy on my father. The general Li  holds the military power and I must find a way to get the seal without any objections from the minister. That's it. I will hold a banquet and crown Mirai as the Empress. I will use this excuse to set up general Li and then take the seal back. But I also have to see if Mirai has the qualities of a Empress. Besides  no one will have objections since she is the daughter of the queen of Adarlan. Adarlan has rather less power than our Empire and forming this alliance will be great for my empire as they have many skilled doctors.

But I have to plan well. When I was in the war I had been very much cautious. I knew if I will take any wrong move I will lose many lives. I couldn't sleep at night because I was worried about by beloved wife. The only thing which made me free from worry about her were her letters which she sent me after every three days.

I was tired since I was checking all the account books earlier. I needed a change of mood. I decided to check the prisoner, the king of Cesta.

End of P.O.V.

The great Emperor of Wisteria walked  quite a while to reach the underground dungeon with two other soldiers. He entered inside the cell where the white haired helpless man was chained. Once he was the king of Cesta and now he is just a mere prisoner. Thinking about this makes him feel guilty.
The helpless man felt a strong hand around his throat. He saw a dark figure of impressive height strangling him. It took some time to find out who  the dark figure was. It was of Zhou Keung. He smirked and asked "So how should I punish you? I think whipping is a better option".

The other soldier got a whip and handed him. He started whipping him hard. After giving him 15 hits he stopped.
Suddenly the Emperor thought of game. He said "If you will answer some of my questions I will let you go. Tell me who is General Fu ?".
The white haired man replied with a weak tone "General Fu is the cousin of third princess of Adarlan".
He wasn't satisfied with the answer so he asked again "What are his weaknesses? ".
Lou Cheung said "He has haphephobia   so he cannot endure touch of other people and my concubine".

Zhou Keung understood that there won't be any hideous relationship between his wife and that man.

But he couldn't satisfy his heart. He still asked "Is there something between the third princess and that general?"

The white haired man smiled and said  "Are you worried about this? There isn't anything between them".
As a husband he is always worried about her. The white haired hurted man also understands that. He smirked and said "There isn't any. I saw with my two own eyes that how much hostile she is with other men. You're lucky enough that you got her as your wife and not like the illegitimate child of the king who was having an affair with General Fu. I saw the letters sent by them and ignored them. Do you think that you are a great warrior? She mixed some drugs with the virgin blood. My physician told that this type of drug can cause people to lose energy once used. Neither me nor my concubine can live for another month. Kill me now! I don't want to live anymore. Everything is a conspiracy. General Fu  will take away everything that you have. Since this drug is only found in your empire".

The Emperor ordered "Give him some medicines so he can heal himself ".

The Emperor went straight inside his room but he couldn't sleep. He was feeling guilty about what he thought about his wife. He thought that his wife would betray him someday since he sometimes couldn't read her thoughts. He doesn't know why it happens but whenever he sees her beautiful face he couldn't stop touching her.

Around nighttime he ordered to summon Mirai. After a while she entered inside. He noticed that she isn't wearing the same clothes. In the day time it was of shades of yellow and violet but now it's light blue. She bowed down and greeted him "May your Highness live a long life".

                               To be continued...........

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