His guilt

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Mirai's P.O.V.
As I entered I was amazed by his look. He was still in his white night dress. He was looking so handsome and hot.
Any girl will fall for him. And the way he was answering my questions concluded that he is really wise. By today's meeting I can tell that Zhou Keung is a good man. I am so much happy for the first time just because of meeting him. I don't know what has happened to me. My father the king of Adarlan has ordered me to appear at the court in the afternoon.
End of P.O.V.
Mirai told "You will see later".
Zhou Keung replied "So much time has passed but we don't know each other very much. Can you introduce yourself".
Mirai replied "You can start your introduction".
Zhou Keung replied "Okay. I am the emperor of Great Empire, Wisteria, Zhou Keung".
This time Zhou Keung smiled and said "You already know about my special powers".
Mirai replied "Everyone in the world knows your secret now. Doesn't this causes you pain to be forsaken by your own subjects? ".
Zhou Keung told "It pains me more that no one trusts me now. I want someone to understand my pain, my emotions and my desires. I am in search of her".
Mirai told "So what happened to your ex fiancee? ".
Zhou Keung replied "I had mistaken her as my life partner. You know when you asked me to meet you I really thought that you will insult me too" .
Zhou Keung started crying.
Again Zhou Keung said to Mirai "Despite of my mind reading power....I had mistaken".
Mirai tried to console him. She put her hands on his head. Zhou Keung hugged her.
Zhou Keung said "I don't know why but sharing this with you makes me feel relieved. I feel like there is someone who can really understand me".
Zhou Keung's P.O.V.
I didn't thought what she will think. I just hugged her. I don't know why but I just felt happy that someone really came closer to me when everyone whom I know stopped talking to me .
End of P.O.V.

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