The War

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Zhou Keung started get ready for war.
He bid his father goodbye.
Zhou Keung's P.O.V.
I bidded goodbye to my father. I had really made a mistake by trusting Qinyang. I treated her with precious jewels and a pendant of my mom. I will take it back after winning this war. I am sure I will win this battle. My mom will still be blessing me from heaven. I felt to cry my heart out but who will care about my feelings. I have no one other than my parents who will love me unconditionally. I felt that my heart would burst because of my grief. But no I can't turn back after this. I have to face this reality that everyone hates me except my parents.
End of P.O.V

As the sun rose the war began. The battleground flooded with blood. Corpses of swordsmen and archers were lying everywhere on the red ground of blood. No one knows who will win. Like this one month had passed. Soldiers are not getting food.
They are dying of starvation and poisoning.

2 months later

One night after planning tactfull Wang Lei decided to play a trick.
Next day he met Zhou Keung in the battleground. He told 'Please , Zhou Keung, the great emperor of Wisteria, the wisest and the most powerful. Please forgive me! I will never think of betraying you again'. He bowed to the innocent emperor of Wisteria.
Zhou Keung after thinking for sometime told 'You are older than me. I respect you for this.' He brought his hand to help Wang Lei to stand up but to his surprise Wang Lei tried to stab him with a sharp knife. Zhou Keung moved aside immediately when he saw a knife.
He shouted with anger 'You bastard! I trusted you again this time but you tried to kill me this time .You don't deserve my apology'.

Let's see what will happen in next part. Sorry for any mistakes. This is my first story. If done any let me know through comments.

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