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Mirai's P.O.V.
Zhou Keung remained silent all day after my reply and he moved my things to Lang palace saying that I would be safe there until he comes back.

I started to complete that sketch in Lang palace. An started to serve me as usual.

Next morning he left the palace with his army. I was asleep and totally forgot to bid him goodbye. I heard from An that he had came this morning to tell me something but he couldn't as I was asleep. I feel guilty to not to be an early riser now. But he had handed a letter to An which was for me.
The words written in the letter were:-

'' Consort I am grateful that you saved me earlier and you couldn't sleep because of my condition. I want to repay you. When I will come back ask anything from me I will definitely try to give you. I must have done something good in my past life that you are my consort ''.

Everything seems normal. I don't know why but I always smile while reading his letters. I never smile when I read letters from other people. Am I really changing.
All my family members never even tried to talk to me. My thirst for attention made me pay attention to Lou Cheung who use people as his bait. I now realized I never liked him. I am happy that I chose Zhuo Keung as my life partner.

But the thing which was not normal was that he didn't bid goodbye to his father before he left for the battle. I heard from the maids that he always says goodbye to his father no matter where he goes.
After two days he reported that he reached Jiang city. I hope that he is alright.
End of P.O.V.
When Zhou Keung's father ordered Mirai to wait outside
Zhou Keung's father, Zhou Le expressed his feelings to Zhou Keung. He said "I was silent from the time I got to know that you can read minds. But today I can't keep my cool. Everytime I see you I have to hide my true emotions".

Zhou Keung asked politely "Have I done something wrong father? ".

Zhou Le said "The person who did a mistake was me. I should have killed you after knowing about your truth".

Zhou Keung said "So you hate me from the first? ".

Zhou Le replied "Yes I hate you. I hate to be called your father. Do you think your wife loves you? She is just forced by her family to live with you. No one will ever love such a person like you".

Zhou Keung replied "You are wrong! If she was forced by her family to live with me then she wouldn't have saved me from poison attack".

Zhou Le said "You know your real problem is that you believe that true love exists. Look at me. The person I loved the most betrayed me. Zhou Keung from today onwards there is nothing left between us. You are nothing for me from now. Just free me from being your father". He handed a knife to him.
Those harsh words that he told Zhou Keung made him feel worthless.

Zhou Keung replied with a unwanted smile "So you hate me that much! It's Okay. Just bear it until I come back".

Just after saying so he left from the room. He found Mirai looking towards the sky as if she was thinking about something. He recalled how his mother used to look at the sky when she used to get sad. But Mirai looked happy. Zhou Keung thought for a while and promised himself that he would do everything to make his consort happy.

End of Flashback
Mirai's P.O.V.
Time skip
5 days later
In Wisteria
It is morning.
Zhou Keung has reported that he has defeated 2000 of Lou Cheung's men. There are 900 of them still left. I was worried about Zhou Keung. I never feared of losing someone after my aunt's death but these days I am feeling more and more worried about losing him. But I shouldn't forget that he is nothing but a monster. He reads people's minds. I can never love someone like him right?

But why everytime I think about him? Why I can't I stop? I was thinking about all these things lying on the bed while staying at Lang Palace.
I was feeling restless. I wanted to know what was happening in the battlefield.

So the things that I told when I was drunk were true. I really have started to love him. Everyday I pray to God for my husband's victory. I always pray that he would get success.

How can I do so?

But I am lucky that I didn't choose other men as my husband or my life would have been hell. He treats me so nicely and he even asked me about my wish.
End of P.O.V.

~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile ~~~~~~~~~~~
In the battlefield
Zhou Keung was fighting with general Li. General Li uses back thrust as his special skill. But as soon as Zhou Keung killed his general Lou Cheung fled using his horse towards the west.
The army of Zhuo Keung started to chase after him with all their strength.

To be continued.....

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