That wedding night.....

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Well this part contains something which only women could understand. Enjoy!

Mirai entered the Phoenix Hall with her maid An. She was so tensed. Her stomach was paining so much.
She entered his room. It was cosy and has his smell. She told herself "I am sorry. I am really sorry. I have lied to you so many times. But tonight I want to be honest with you Zhou Keung".

An made her sat down on the bed and left. After a while Zhou Keung entered.
He came closer to her and asked "Are you alright? ".
She nodded her head and replied "Yes".
She wasn't okay. Her heart was pounding.
He removed her veil and saw her gaze was downwards. He asked "Are you scared of me?".
Mirai told him without looking into his eyes "Zhou Keung I think....I am bleeding ".
Zhou Keung put his hands on the sides of her face and asked "Where?".
Mirai replied shyly touching her private part, "Here".
Zhou Keung asked "Is it paining?"
Mirai replied again "Yes. Very much".
She thought he would get angry but instead of this he kissed her forehead and said, "It's okay! Rest well tonight".
She asked out of curiosity "Aren't you angry with me?".
Zhou Keung asked "Have you ever lied  to me that I will be angry?"
Mirai replied "I thought you will be".
Zhou Keung smiled and replied "My love for you won't change. Even if you and time changes. Let's have some marriage wine".
Mirai served him wine on a small cup.

Mirai served him wine on a small cup

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He drank it. Then he told her with a deep voice "You have to drink it too".
Mirai replied "I don't drink".
He said "This is my order".
Mirai poured some wine on a cup and drank the wine. Zhou Keung ordered "Drink some more with me".
Mirai drank another cup of win with him. After 3 cups  of wine she collapsed. Zhou Keung tried to make her woke up. But she was so much drunk that she couldn't open her eyes. This was done by him intentionally. Since he could not read her mind he had to know about her feelings by this way.
Zhou Keung asked "Whom you love the most? ".
Mirai replied "My mother".
Zhou Keung asked again "Other than your mother whom do you love? "
Mirai replied "It's my aunt".
Zhou Keung asked "Other than your aunt and mother who is it?".
Mirai replied "There is a man whom I love. He is so much nice and self-disciplined".
Zhou Keung asked with anger on his face. His voice was more deeper this time. He asked "Who is it?".
Mirai replied "It's you...can't you tell".
Zhou Keung started crying. They were tears of joy. He had never felt so much happy in his life. He had never expected that someone will love him even though she knows he could read minds.
Mirai replied "Everytime I met him I have fallen in love with him more and more".
Zhou Keung stopped his tears from falling down on her face and asked "Why you asked me if I will get angry".
Mirai replied "Whenever my mother used to bleed my father mistreated her for not fulfilling his physical needs....I hate him. I hate him so much. You know....." . She smiled  and said "I admit it. I have fallen for you".
Zhou Keung lifted her in bridal style and placed her on the bed. He then layed on the bed beside her. When she woke up she found that Zhou Keung has already left for his practice. Her head started to hurt. An gave her water and said "You really drank too much wine, Princess. Oh, sorry! I don't know what to call you ".
Mirai replied with a tired voice "Just princess is fine".
Mirai recalled what happened last night.
Then she suddenly held An's hand and said "An I am really worried. I was drunk last night. What if I have told him something weird?".
An said after thinking carefully "If you really have told him something weird he would have been very angry.  But it isn't showing on his face".
Mirai said "I will make him answer me without getting into trouble ".

During Lunch Time
Mirai asked again and again what she said when she was drunk. But Zhou Keung always replied "You have told me about the man who is in your heart".
Mirai was scared. Her heart started beating in fear. Her face became white.
Zhou Keung completed his lunch and replied "You said it was me".
She sighed in relief. But asked again "What if I had taken someone else's name?".
Zhou Keung replied with a smirk on his face, "Then I would have killed him in front of you and then I would have raped you, you are now mine honey". Zhou Keung was about to leave when Mirai  asked him "What should I call you then?". Zhou Keung replied "You can call me Hubby, my dearie".
He left for his court meetings with the ministers.

Mirai's P.O.V.
When he said I had told him the name of that man, I was panic stricken. There was a greater possibility that I had taken his name. My face turned white and my heart started beating fast. Zhou Keung told me that I had taken his name.
I don't know still why I have taken his name. I must not have feelings for Zhou Keung. But I should love him. After all we are married now.
I asked again that what would have happened if I had taken someone else's name. He said something which I can't believe. He said that he would have killed him and raped me. This man has too many sides. But whenever I see his face it makes my heart burn. I couldn't look at his face. I should not love him.
End of P.O.V.

Time skip

During dusk

Zhou Keung was checking all the confidential documents based on the crime cases and habits of Lou Cheung. The person who wrote this was a spy who got killed by Lou Cheung. But before Lou Cheung could take this book from the spy it had already reached Zhou Keung.

Mirai's father Zhang Yong was the old enemy of Lou Cheung. He wants Zhou Keung's help to kill him. He (Lou Cheung) was attacking Adarlan again and again. The King of Adarlan doesn't has enough resources to keep up with the attacks.
But Mirai's husband nor his father knows that he is the man Mirai thinks she likes.

Mirai was thinking about the things that would have happened if she had not agreed to marry him. Will she(Mirai) ever love a man like him? Is Zhou Keung happy with this relationship? She wanted to see him. She decided to go to the room where he was checking some books. She went there and saw that he was checking a confidential book about Lou Cheung. But she couldn't find him. She got worried about him. But suddenly she heard sounds of two people fighting with swords. She hurriedly went to the second hall. The maids used to live there. Then she suddenly saw Zhou Keung fighting with 3 men. The 3 men had covered their faces with black pieces of clothes. The other 47 men were lying on the floor dead with blood all over the floor. After he(Zhou Keung) killed the 3 other men, he collapsed. When he woke up he found himself inside his room with Mirai by his side.

Who was the attacker? Will Mirai ever love her husband with true heart ? Let's see in the next part.

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