The start

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3rd pov:

Y/N- So I died due to something I was supposed to killed. So do I become a hollow or do I die.

Y/n wakes up in a void like space with 2 chairs. 2 chairs are empty, Y/n is in the 3rd seat.

Y/n: UHHHHH where am I. Why are there chairs.

Y/n screamed asked himself questions for 3 minutes.

Soon 2 people appeared in the chairs one was a girl who is probably obsessed with blue the other was a boy with a green coat.

Aqua: Hello, you two have unfortunately died.

Kazuma: Did the girl I saved survive?

Y/N: Are they ignoring me?

Aqua: Yes, Even though she would have survived that tractor.

Kazuma: Wait, Tractor.

Y/n: Okay, Why am I here shouldn't I have turned into a hollow.

Aqua: Hold please, Anyway you died of shock thinking a truck ran over you.

Kazuma: Wait what!!!

Aqua: You even wet yourself.

Y/n: Now this is sad.

Kazuma: Stop I don't want to hear anymore.

Aqua: Your family is laughing at your death right now.

Y/n: If I had my zanpakuto I would have ended you because of your stupid laugh. 

Aqua: Now Y/n I have no clue how you got here but your the first Soul Reaper to come here.

Y/n: Oh thats cool.

Aqua: Because you died of a cero not a hollow eating you you came here.

Y/n: Don't most of us die by ceros and hollows but they turn into hollows? Why me?

Aqua: Oh we teleported you here before anything could happen.

Y/n: *Flops on the floor* 

Aqua: Anyways you have 3 options. 1. Go to heaven. 2. Reincarnate. 3. Go to a RPG.

Kazuma and Y/n: Excuse me WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.

Aqua: Now choos-

K and Y/n: Option 3.

Aqua: ok. You get a wish choose wisely.

Y/n: Can my soul reaper powers be multiplied by 500%.

Aqua: Ok it will activate as soon as you enter the new world.

Aqua: Now Kazuma choose.

Kazuma: Ok let's see.

Time skip brought to you by Kazuma taking 3 hours to choose.

Kazuma: Ugh all of these are good.

Aqua: Choose you shut-in Neet.

Y/n: I may be a soul reaper but I know more about him than you do, I had his part of the city.

Kazuma: You know what I choose you to bring.

Aqua: oka-- Wait WHAT

Y/n: Does she count as an object?

Angel: We heard your request kazuma I will now send you and Y/n to the world.


Y/n: So she DOES count as an object.

Angel: If you defeat the demon king we will grant you any wish no matter how absurd it is.

Time skip brought to you by Y/n almost breaking his back while landing.

Y/n: well sh--oot

Kazuma: What will people think of me and Y/n if they think we are friends with this crazy woman.

*Kazuma, Y/n and aqua go into the tavern*

Y/n: Is this the place.

Time skip because I'm a lazy person. Y/n:shut

*Y/n to kazuma because aqua is trying to get money*

Y/n: Ok lets see I have a bag from the angel that contains 4000 eris that means that both of us can register meaning only aqua needs to get 2000 eris so we ju-

Aqua: The priest of this place gave pity on me and gave me 2000 eris.

 Y/n okay let's sign up.

(End of chapter what do you think hopefully you think it's good- A/n)

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