A second death to Kazuma.

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*Aqua and kazuma are arguing*

Aqua: All of you should praise me, and spoil me rotten.

Y/n: I'll praise you when you and you alone fix our debt.

Aqua: I'll fix it then!!!

*Please help me... Timeskip*

Y/n: So we are taking the Snow sprite kill quest Megu.

Megu: Yep... You have an Idea for killing them?

Y/n: I won't kill any... I'll just protect the group if something appears.

*Time skip*

Kazuma: Money is still our priority

Kazuma: Where is Y/n?

Megu: He is making sure no monsters come near us.

*With Y/n*

Y/n: Okay let's go back to the tea-

*Y/n hears the explosion*

Y/n: Megu... come on.

Y/n: Why is there a big snow clou- hold up!!

*Y/n runs to the snow cloud*

Aqua: .... The winter shogun has arrived.

Y/n: No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!

*Y/n blocks the shoguns sword before it hits darkness*

Y/n: Sorry but you can't kill anyone.

*The shogun beheads kazuma*

Y/n: Okay he deserved that...


Aqua: I brought you back to life kazum-

Y/n: You're the reason he died in the first place.

Kazuma: Goddess change!!!

Y/n: Oof...

(yay the end of this chapter -A/n)

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