Yunyun Vs Megumin. Embarrassing edition.

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(I'm doing this now and you can't stop me -A/n)

Kazuma: Y/n did you know that after your fight the Lord wanted a rematch but Darkness took care of him... Darkness still hasn't returned yet.

Y/n: excuse me W H A T

Aqua: Wait...

*Aqua and Kazuma start to scream*

???: Meow

Y/n: Oh hi Megu these two are just going through something.

Kazuma: What's with the cat?

Megu: I doubt she'll cause trouble, so.

Y/n: You want to keep her?

Megu: Is that alright?

*Y/n pets the cat*

Y/n: Sure what's her name?

Megu: Chomusuke

*Kazuma and Aqua have a dead pan face*

Y/n: Your cat, You get to name it.

Megu: Anyway what were you two screaming about?

Kazuma: How can you be so calm? Darkness is...

Megu: There may be rumors but not all of them are true.

*Kazuma explains to Megu the problem*

Megu: What should we do.

Y/n in background: Come here Chomusuke

Sena: Is Satou Kazuma here?

Y/n: Yes and he is going through some trauma.

*Timeskip... Someone help me please*

*Aqua is currently yelling and screaming*

Y/n: Your on your own for forcing me to pay your tab.

*Megu is currently inside of a frog*

Y/n: Screw it... Slice Konpyūtā no fuguai!!!

*The toad that had Megu in it's mouth gets sliced in half*

Sena: When could you do that?

Y/n: Since the very start.

Kazuma: Snipe.

*An arrow flies at the frog and cuts Aqua's hair and ego*

Aqua: Hey you almost hit me.

*Aqua gets eaten*

Kazuma: Aqua.

*Timeskip past that horrible death of a tod*

*Sena, Aqua, and Kazuma are running away*

Y/n: Getsuga tenshou.

*The Getsuga cuts a blue frog in half and then Aqua and Sena gets eaten*

Y/n: Okay. Red Getsuga Tenshou.

*Kills the frog chasing Kazuma*

Y/n: Kazuma get Aqua and Sena. I'll protect Megumin.

???: Light of Saber.


Kazuma: Thanks for saving us whoever you are.

Yunyun: I think you have the wrong Idea I couldn't let my rival die.

Y/n: How can I remember someone I never met before... somethings wrong.

*Small time skip*

Y/n holding Megu and Yunyun using his light blue getsuga

Y/n: Now are you two done fighting.

Both of them: Yes.


Y/n: Megu did you have to slime me?

Megu: Yes, it was for you holding me up.

Y/n: What ever... I'm washing this off.

Megu: I believe I'm going first.

Y/n: Did you know that when my Zanpakuto is in it's electrical state I go faster.

Megu: Wait a minute.

Y/n: Goodbye Megu.

*Y/n gets to the bathroom but Megu busts through the door*

Megu: Fine then lets join in... the... b...a...t...h......

Y/n: You realized didn't you...

*Megu and Y/n are blushing*

Y/n: Fine it conserves water.

*Timeskip to the bath*

Y/n: Finally, I can get that slime off of me.

Megu: Yeah.

Y/n: Didn't you traumatize that girl? 

Megu: Don't worry she'll be back.

Y/n: You guys are the same age right.

Megu: Hey that's mean.

Y/n: I'm not talking about what your thinking about, I'm talking about maturity.

Megu: Maybe it's a bad idea to be in the same bath togethe- hey.

*Y/n splashed Megu with water*

Y/n: That's for sliming me.

Aqua: Hey guys me and Kazuma just got the quest money.

Y/n: I'm good Megu is not home though probably traumatizing her rival.

Aqua: Thanks.

*Kazuma goes into the bath*

Kazuma: I knew you guy would be in here.

Y/n: You can either leave with your mouth shut or leave with no mouth at all. 

Kazuma: Chill, bro chill.

*Timeskip to The shop*

*Megu and Yunyun are fighting*

Aqua: Here, maybe this will help.

Wiz: A friendship crystal. I know why don't you two use this?

*Both of them start using the crystal*

Y/n: Kazuma, be lucky your not using the crystal.

Kazuma: Why???

Y/n: You'll see.

*Multiple windows open up each showing embarrassing memories*

Y/n: It would have showed your death.

Kazuma: oh...................

Y/n: Yep embarrassing memories.

*Megu smashes the crystal and Y/n gives Wiz Eris to pay it off*

*Timeskip.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

Y/n: Good job you broke our secret.

Megu: I did what had to be done.

(No secret thing to help you this chapter and I'm just going to say it, the thing I'm doing is an ARG -A/n) 

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