I'm about to kill an aqua.

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(Hello I am in pain. -A/n)

Y/n: I am going crazy here. If I hear another thing about the axis I will leave here.

Megu: Calm down, Kazuma's getting Aqua so we can leave.

Kazuma: No luck.

Y/n: ...

Kazuma: Y/n, you good?

Y/n: I'm going to kill an aqua if you don't persuade her.

Kazuma: Okay okay calm down please. I'll try.


Y/n: Origin I am on the verge of snapping.

Origin: I know I am too.

(I really don't want to do Episode 9 season 2 so Timeskip to episode 10 -A/n)

Everyone in the axis: Imposter.

Y/n: Kazuma I'm done with everything I'm going to distract them, You get aqua away.

Kazuma: But...

Y/n: Do I have to ask you again?

Kazuma: no...

Y/n: Good.

*Y/n puts his hand to his face and summons corruptions mask*

Y/n: Time to start.

Y/n: YEET!!!

*Y/n throws a bomb*


*Y/n is currently flash stepping to the hot springs*

Y/n: What are they fighting?

Origin: Hans the deadly slime.

Kazuma: Y/n I need you to shrink Hans.

Y/n: Ok, Final pulse!

*A sound wave hits Hans blasting him to the wall*

*Timeskip to when after wiz froze Hans*

Y/n: Move wiz.

Hans: It's not over yet...

*Y/n eyes turn unnaturally light green*

Y/n: ɎɆ₴... ł₮... ł₴... VØłĐ ₮ɆⱠɆ₱ØⱤ₮!!!

*A portal appears behind Hans that is red and black and it sucks him in*

Y/n: ₦Ø₮Ⱨł₦₲... Ø₣.... ɎØɄ... ⱤɆ₥₳ł₦₴...

*Y/n's eyes turn back to normal and he passes out*

Aqua: What happened?

*Somewhere else*

???: What is wrong with you. You shouldn't control the main character.

???2: I need to protect him until the final ep which is close.

???: Fine I hope you know what you are doing.

???2: I created clones of us to keep him safe. After all after this story we're sending him to the next world.

???: Good your experiment might actually work.

???2: I am good at time travel Corrupt I can do this.

Corrupt: I hope so...

*End of chapter

(Please continue voting on the vote poll at the end of the book as the next chapter will be the end -A/n)

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