A lich and a haunted mansion?

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(AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh -A/n)

Y/n: Fire sword

Aqua: Let me come near...

Y/n: No.

*Timeskip... help me*

Kazuma: Our party is poorly balanced

Y/n: One time cute magician, Priest that is only good with undead, and a crusader that always misses.

Kazuma: Why don't you tell megumin about you know?

Y/n: It's too early to tell her.

 Kazuma: Aqua we're here... don't hurt her please...

Aqua: What?

*Kazuma goes in and Aqua attacks the shopkeeper*

Aqua: You damn undea-

Y/n: Aqua, If you don't stop I will attack you...

*Smol timeskip*

Y/n: I'm not sure you should be listening to Aqua Wiz.

Wiz: Why??

Y/n: She's mean, entitled, spoiled, you know?

Wiz: But she can kill me...

Y/n: If she kills you she will never be a arch-priest again.

Wiz: Here you go aqua...

Kazuma: Wiz... Can you teach me a skill?

Aqua: What?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!!??!?

*one fight later*


Aqua: Okay...

Wiz: So I heard that you defeated Verdia-san.

Kazuma: You sound like you knew Verdia.

Wiz: That's because I'm one of the 8 leaders in the devil king's army.

Aqua: Got yo-

Y/n: Kill her and I will ban you from alcohol and I will make sure you get no money.


Kazuma: So you can help us get in the gates?

Wiz: Yes...

Kazuma: Were you close to Verdia?

Wiz: No. Actually he kept peeking up my skirt by rolling his head down the halls.

Y/n: Well, he dead.


Aqua: This is a fitting place for me to live.

Y/n: No.

*Smol timeskip*

Kazuma: I'll take care of the cleaning.

Y/n: Let's go.

Kazuma: Call out as soon as you see a ghost.

*Smol smol timeskip*

Y/n: My own room finally.

*Aqua crying in her room*

Y/n: What happened?

Kazuma: Aqua's alcohol has been drunk.

Y/n: Nope, Goodnight.

*Aqua yelling turn undead*

Y/n: I don't care for your alcohol so let me sleep.


Y/n: Welp bladder control can only go so far.

*Y/n sees the doll*

Y/n: Why are you here?

*Doll doesn't answer*

Y/n: Do me a favor and don't follow me... I'm going to the bathroom okay?

*Y/n leaves his room and goes to aqua's room*

Y/n: Aqua, You forgot one spiri- Why are you here megu?

Megu: Why did you come into this room?

Y/n: Same reason you are here for... The dolls.

Megu: And I needed to use the bathroom.

Y/n: Fine.. I'll accompany you.

Megu: What????

Y/n: Would you rather want Kazuma to?

Megu: You have a point.

Y/n: Hol up. Didn't you say that Crimson demons don't use the bathroom?

Y/n: You good?

*Y/n sees the dolls*

Y/n: Do you not know manners?

*Smol smol smol timeskip*

Megu: Are you still there Y/n.

Y/n: Yes...

Megu: This is embarrassing... Can you sing a song for me?

Y/n: No and why?

Megu: Fine...

Y/n: Megu, The dolls are here.

*Y/n grabs Megu (who got her pants on) and runs*

Y/n: You got halfway through your bladder you're fine.

Megu: What are you talking about? Crimson Demons don't need to use the bathroom.

Y/n: What?!?!? What were you doing then?!?

 Megu: Uhhhhhhhhh.....

*Flashy flashy backy backy*

Megu: It feels so good inside me Y/n.

*Megu "silent moaning"*

*End of flashy backy*

Megu: Nothing...


Luna: Since you exorcised the mansion you get a special award.

*Smol word timeskip*

Y/n: Aqua... Spill the beans.

Aqua: I figured that if I took away the graveyard that they would live.

Y/n: We will accept the reward if...

Kazuma: If what?

Y/n: If aqua doesn't get any of the money.

Kazuma: That is smart...

(Done with this one sorry if it keeps getting shorter-A/n) 

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