The Explosive Loli

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(I did it, no one can call me out for skipping a good nickname - A/n)

Kazuma: This isn't how i thought a parallel world would be

Y/n: What did you expect. Summoned in a mansion with unlimited money. I wonder why?

*Y/n is visibly angry while kazuma is pondering his existence*  

Aqua: Good morning.

Y/n and Kazuma: Don't good morning me.

Kazuma: What happened to her saying I could "count on" her yesterday.

Y/n:  Now I see why they let kazuma bring her.

Person: How long are you staying here? You want to get walloped!!

K and A: We're sorry.

Y/n: Why are we still here. Just to suffer.

Time skip brought to you by Y/n questioning why he was chosen.

Kazuma: Save me aqua or Y/n

Aqua: *Is trying not to laugh*

Kazuma: I'll bury you.

Aqua: If you want me to save you put "san" at the end of my name.

Y/n: *slices a frog tongue* Sorry I'm busy Kazuma.

Kazuma: Aqua-sama

Y/n: you really gave up?

*The frog eats aqua*

Kazuma: Don't get eaten!!!

Y/n: You really are useless.

Y/n: *Kills the frog using flash step*

Kazuma: What did you do?

Y/n: Just get aqua out of that stupid frog.

Aqua: Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: nope

Aqua: *Hugs kazuma*

Kazuma: Get off!!!

Aqua: I'm dirty, If the axis cult sees me like that they will lose their devosion.

Kazuma: A little too late for that.

*Aqua runs at a frog*

Aqua: God blow.

*It isn't effective*

Aqua: Frogs are cute up close.

*she gets eaten and kazuma kills the frog*

Quest thing: 2 frogs killed today you need to kill 3 more.

Time Skip brought to you by Y/n covering aqua's mouth to make sure she can't say Konosuba  

Aqua: we need more allies.

Kazuma: Who would pair up with us?

Y/n: I have to agree with Kazuma here.

Aqua: I'm an archpriest and y/n is an adventurer+.

Y/n: Who doesn't have much power.

Aqua: I have the most advanced job there is.

Y/n: Except your Intellect is low that that calling you dumber than a brick is correct to the core.

*Time skip brought to you by Y/n getting slapped by his zanpakuto*

Aqua: Where is Y/n?

Kazuma: training.

Aqua: no one is coming.

Kazuma: You literally put only advanced jobs on the poster.

Y/n: Hey I'm back has anyone joined.

Kazuma: no.

(If this : hey instead of Hey: it means that someone is depressed, only first word -A/n)

Y/n: oh....................................

...: I happened to notice your recrutement poster.

Timeskip brought to you by a lazy author who doesn't want to write a speech. 

Aqua: Are you a crimson demon?

The loli: Indeed, I am Megumin, user of the finest magi-

*Megumin the loli falls on the floor*

Y/n: Are you okay.  

Megumin: I haven't eaten anything in 3 days. Do you have anything I could eat?

Y/n: I'll pay for half and Kazuma will pay for the other half.

*Y/n and kazuma fist bump*

Kazuma: If you are hurt aqua can heal you her strong suit is healing magic.

Aqua: Hey.

Y/n: He spitting FACTS.

Megumin: this magic item suppresses my power.

Y/n: So it's a seal?

Megumin: I was lying I wear it cause it's cool.

*Kazuma pulls on the eyepatch.

Y/n: *flops on the table* everyone here is hopeless.

Kazuma: Sorry I just thought you we're making fun of us.

*Kazuma lets go*

Y/n: What are your parents names?

Megu: My mother is Yuiyui and my father is Hyoizaburo.

Y/n: you really are hopeless.

Kazuma: So this girl's clan has a lot of good magicians, right?

Megu: Hey! If you got something against my parents names, let's hear it!

(The end of this chapter so I need help to choose who Y/n will be with


Megumin (light novel age even tho this is the anime story line)


Chris/eris (if chosen will join our party)



Harem of all of the party girls

Harem of all of the above


Other combinations

Choose only one please by commenting -A/N)

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