Lord Aldarp Vs Y/n.

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(For the sake of myself I'll give Aldarp a sword and he will be a crusader -A/n) 

Y/n: I'm going to the destroyer area to fight.

Kazuma: Good luck.

*Y/n goes to the area where the destroyer got destroyed*

Aldarp: So what are the rules?

Y/n: None you can do anything except killing the person who lost.

Aldarp: Fine then...

*Y/n gets into bankai mode and Aldarp pulls out his sword*

Y/n: Time to fight then.

*Y/n and Aldarp clash weapons*

(time to type the fight scene)

Y/n slashes up and Aldarp flies upward. Y/n then does a red getsuga which hits Aldarp.

Aldarp then throws a tree at Y/n who then blocks it but goes flying

Y/n: Well looks like I have to use my new skill... H҉o҉l҉l҉o҉w҉f҉i҉c҉a҉t҉i҉o҉n҉ (hollowfication)

 Y/n puts his hand in front of his face and black energy flies at his hand creating this mask

 Y/n puts his hand in front of his face and black energy flies at his hand creating this mask

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A beam starts to form from the masks Eye and it fires a laser at Aldarp. The Zanpakuto turns darker and Y/n fires a black tenshou and it hits Aldarp and explodes. 

Y/n's cloak starts to turn reddish black and Y/n says one simple word...

Y/n: C̸̬͕̞̯̥͍̪̯͂̆̀̓̎́̂͌̕Ē̸̯͉̖̉͊̈́̽R̵̫̦̬͕͙̉̐̇O̶̪̜̯̜̺̻̝͈̖̿͂̎̿͋͗͐́̎͝

Aldarp: What the?!?!

Two beams come out of Y/n's Zanpakuto and goes in front of the masks Eye and The eye fires a Cero at Aldarp almost knocking him out. 

Then Y/n fires another Black tenshou which knocks out Aldarp.


(End of my sad fight scene)

*Y/n returns to normal*

Kazuma: What just happened?

Darkness: Can you do that to me?

Aqua: You won because of my blessing now worship me.

*Megu is currently blushing*

Y/n: Kazuma I'll tell you later, Darkness no, Aqua you didn't give me a blessing, and Megu are you okay?

Kazuma: Fine, Your taking Megu home though.

Y/n: Fine...

*Y/n puts Megumin on his back and Megu starts blushing even more and her eyes start glowing red*

Y/n: Didn't you tell me that when your eyes glow your excited?

Megu: Yes.... 

Y/n: And your blushing.

Megu: Yes...

Y/n: Do you like me?

Megu: No definitely not!!!

Y/n: Well okay then...

Megu: Fine I do like you there happy.

Y/n: Finally, I knew since the beginning I just wanted you to admit it.

*Y/n gives Megu a head pat.  

A person is in a room monitoring Y/n journey and waiting for him to be done. 

(Whelp Aldarp wanted a rematch but darkness took care of him -A/n)

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