Why am I in this cursed city.

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(Ok I'm bored and I want something to do but I have no energy -A/n)

*This is at the night because Origin took out the hawk kites*

Kazuma: There are things here and they are moving stiffly.

Y/n: Something is wrong.

Aqua: Turn undead.

*Aqua starts doing a weird dance*

Y/n: Kazuma look at it this way at least we don't attract attention.

Kazuma: yeah I guess.

*Timeskip I'm doing this episode quickly*

W/p: And we are here the city of hot springs.

Origin: Be on perfect guard I sense that something is very wrong with this city...

Y/n: What is it, monsters?

Origin: No, it's the people. Make sure you never get separated from me.

Y/n: Kazuma can I talk to you for a bit.

Kazuma: Sure what?

Y/n: Origin says that he senses something wrong with the people.

Kazuma: It can't be that bad right...


Kazuma: It's that bad....

Y/n: You too?

Kazuma: It's always Axis cult this and axis cult that...

Y/n: Also where is Aqua?

Kazuma I don't know and please tell Megu to stop doing that.

Y/n: She's just cuddling with me while I'm giving her a piggyback ride.

Kazuma: What ever.

Y/n: Your just sad that your still single.

Kazuma: You know about that?

Y/n: In the past I had to take care of your neighborhood.

Kazuma: oh.....

Y/n: Sorry for what happened.


(I need more votes for the next story please I need to know so If you didn't vote or you don't want to comment just vote the bio on the story. -A/n)

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