Weird Monsters and back to the dungeon.

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(My sanity is as tall as Kirby who is 8 inches tall or 20.32 cm.... H E L P  M E -A/n)

*Y/n is currently getting Aqua Tissues because she got a cold*

Y/n: And now Kazuma and Aqua are arguing... 

*Y/n sits beside Megu*

Y/n: Want a snack to eat while watching this fight.

Megu: Sure.

*Y/n gives Megu some popcorn and takes out one for himself*

Megu: Thanks.

Kazuma: Steal!

*Kazuma gets Aqua's raiment*

Y/n: That's the first time I've seen him actually steal something he wanted.

*Someone barges through the door*

Y/n: Megu before you ask that's darkness.

Megu: Thanks.

*Megu puts her head on Y/n's shoulder*

Y/n: Why?

Megu: It comfy.

Darkness: The lord want's me to marry his son.

*Darkness gives Kazuma a picture of him*

Kazuma: His look pisses me off. 

*Y/n looks at it... Then burns it using his Zanpakuto*

Y/n: Sorry Origin hated it too.

*Aqua fixes it*

Aqua: Here you g-

*Y/n cuts the paper into shreds*

Y/n: Oops...

*Kazuma picks up the paper shreds... then throws them into the fire pit*

Kazuma: Sorry my hands moved on their own.

*Kazuma and Y/n does a fist bump*


Y/n: So there are weird monsters around..

Sena: Yes and we need help.

Y/n: Kazuma, Me and Megu will take care of the monsters... You look after darkness.


Y/n: Do your think Megu.

Megu: Explosion!!!

*The explosion takes out some Weird dolls*

Y/n: Some are still here, I'll take care of them. Slice Konpyūtā no fuguai

*All of the dolls explode*

Y/n: Why are there still more.

*Timeskip to next day*

Y/n: Your telling me that because of Aqua we have to go back to that stupid dungeon.

Kazuma: That is correct.

*Timeskip to dungeon*

Y/n: That is what me and Megu saw.

*Y/n, Darkness and Kazuma go into the dungeon*

Y/n: I have and Idea that is stupid but might work.

Origin: I'm all ears for a prank.

Y/n: I can tell that Kazuma likes darkness. How about I push them together in the dungeon. 

Origin: That is dumb... But yes you should do that. So what do I do.

Y/n: Make a pebble after they fall on each other so I won't be in trouble.

Origin: You are smart.


Y/n: Why did you leave them to fend for themselves?

Kazuma: I don't kn- Ahh

*Y/n pushes Kazuma on Darkness*

Y/n: Kazuma, you need to look out for pebbles.

Kazuma: Shut.


*Vanir starts his rant*

Y/n: I know for a fact you can hear me so come and face me.

Vanir: What I don't see that boy who is powerful. 

Y/n: It's hard to fight what you can't see Vanir.

Kazuma: Y/n where are you.

*Y/n jumps down from the ceiling and cuts off Vanir's hand*

Y/n: Surprise idiot.

*Small Timeskip by Y/n sneaking into the room with Aqua's blue thing* 

Y/n: Ok time to destroy this magic circle...

*Y/n sees what's going on*

Y/n: Hey hollow that looks familiar doesn't it.

???: My name isn't hollow it's Corruption and yes it looks like when we first met and I tried to take control.

Y/n: Slice the mask correct.

Origin: Yep slice it.


Vanir: Now come at me you adventurer clow- What the?

Y/n: Remember me Vanir.

Vanir: What the.

*Y/n jumps from no where and slices Vanir's mask*

Y/n: And that is how you remove a mask.

Vanir: Before I die I want to ask how you knew that.

Y/n: It's simple.

*Y/n puts his hand over his face summoning the same mask*

Y/n: This is how.

Vanir: I see hollowfication...

Y/n: Now goodbye Vanir.

*Vanir's mask disappears along with Y/n's*

Megu: You did it.

Darkness: Come on I was enjoying the pain.

Y/n: Shut your Masochist side up.

(The end of tis chapter. -A/n)

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