An explosion for this sad Kazuma and Bankai.

570 8 5

(Screw taking a rest, Time for SPEED -A/n)

Kazuma: All right, Create water!

*Water comes out of Kazuma's hand and goes into a cup*

Y/n: That was anticlimactic.

Kazuma: So it was still cool.

Darkness: Hey Kazuma and Y/n, Look. I repaired my armor, it's super shiny now, what do you think?

Kazuma: It looks like somethin an aristocrat's son would wear.

Darkness: Hey, I like to be praised sometimes.

Y/n: Lies, I can see that you are turned on.

Kazuma: Besides Megumin is on her way to surpass you.

*Megu is rubbing herself on her staff*

Megu: Irresistible, this staff is beaming with power.

Y/n: I'll handle it.

*Y/n walks to Megu*

Y/n: Megu, what are you doing.

*Megu begins to moan on the staff*


Megu: Oh sorry...

Y/n: What were you even daydreaming about.

Megu: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... I want to say you so bad!!!

Y/n: Megu wake up you're daydreaming again.

Megu: Sorry sorry.

Kazuma: Y/n aqua is coming this way.

Y/n: I can't tell her about me using Lurk and Flash step at the same time.

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Y/n-san how much was your reward from our last quest.

Y/n: 50000 ,100000 and 1 billion.

Aqua: What about your reward Kazuma?

Kazuma: about a million.

*everyone on the team except for Y/n was shocked*

Aqua: K-Kazuma-sama, I thought for some time, but you're, um... fairly cool, you know?

Kazuma: If nothing praiseworthy about me comes to mind, don't force it.

Y/n: Ohhh Self burn, those are rare.

Aqua: K-Kazuma-san I thought my reward for this quest would be pretty hefty so I used up all the money I had.

Kazuma: You said to keep our rewards to ourselves.

Aqua: Please lend me money.

Kazuma: Shut up, you useless goddess.

Y/n: Both of you, calm down.

Aqua: Well Kazuma you are a boy, and I know you rustle around beside me at night sometimes.

Y/n: Is this Aqua?

Aqua: So I'm sure you'd like a private room, as soon as possible.

Kazuma: All right, I get it, I'll lend you the money, shut up.

Y/n: Kazuma, you're as red as a tomato.

*abusonok -Corruption. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE anyway timeskip -A/n*

Aqua: Allies sure are great, right Kazuma?

*ok real time skip*

Megu: Looks like kazuma became a real adventurer.

Aqua: And Y/n?

*Y/n is wearing a (f/p/c) hooded robe with the hood covering his head* 

*(f/p/c) means favorite primary color*

Megu: Uh... uhh... uhhhhh.

*Megu is blushing and stuttering*

(That is right Megu will be the love interest -A/n)

Y/n: All right, let's go on a kill quest.  Is Megu blushing because of me? Nice I'll act dense to see what dere she is.

*Megu begins to rub her staff*

Y/n: Or not.

Megu: One with small monsters, I want to test my staff.

Darkness: One with strong monsters with heavy hits.

Aqua: No, a profitable quest.

Y/n: Is it too late to make a seperate party with only me and Kazuma?

Kazuma: Frogs are appearing again we ca-

Aqua and Megu: Not the frogs!!!

Darkness: What's with them?

Y/n: They got traumatized by frogs.

Kazuma: They got eaten head first.

Y/n: Your turned on aren't you.

Darkness: No I'm not.

Y/n: Kazuma is a mean person you might want to be with him.

Kazuma: Wingman Y/n, Dragging me down...

*Time skip, POYO*

Y/n: Why are there almost no quests.

Darkness: Let's do this one.

Kazuma: no... Why are there so many hard quests?

Luna: A devil king general moved close by, scaring all of the weak monsters left.

Y/n: Come on!!!


Aqua: I don't care if he is top tier, If he is an undead watch me.

Y/n:  How about nahhhhhhhhh

*Morning time*

Aqua: Where is kazuma and your megu.

Y/n: Kazuma and Megu are out of tow- WHAT?

*Aqua is laughing at Y/n*

Aqua: I'm just messing around, anyway why are you here?

Y/n: Kazuma told me to look after you two.

Aqua: ugh, I can't steal kazuma's money

Y/n: That doesn't exist.

*Aqua started to work part time, Darkness is going home, and Y/n... he is going somewhere desolate for 3 days*

Y/n: Okay, Origin time to learn Bankai.

*Y/n's zanpakuto starts to manifest* 

Origin: Then we shall begin.

*Clones of origin starts to appear*

Origin: You haven't learned everything about your shinkai yet, When your shinkai is fully unlocked we shall begin shinkai.

Y/n: Okay I understand, Slice Konpyūtā no fuguai!!!!!

(Start of bankai -A/n)

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