Can I kill a Kazuma?

330 7 0

(Listen.... watching someone play Minecraft hardcore and talking to my friends can take some time. -A/n)

Y/n: So your telling me that the destroyer came here?

Megu: Yep.

Y/n: And our party went against it?

Megu: Yes.

Y/n: Then wiz accidently teleported an orb that exploded the kings castle.

Megu: Yes....

Y/n: And now Kazuma is convicted.

Megu: yes...

*Y/n does a facepalm*

Y/n: Fine... Lets visit wiz. I need some items.


Kazuma: Wiz, we came to visit.

Wiz: Kazuma-san, you're all here. Welcome to the store.

Darkness: Pardon the intrusion.

 Aqua: Why did we come to an undead's shop?

Y/n: Why are you still peeved? After all she is a good person.

*Megu looks to the side then looks at you*

Y/n: What is it Megu?

???:Hey you just saw me don't ignore me.

Megu: Well isn't it my self proclaimed rival Yunyun.

Yunyun: Don't say it's self-proclaimed.

Y/n: Don't you dare start your girl fights here.

Megu and Yunyun: What will you do.

Y/n: I'll hit you with my real sword

*Megu and Yunyun start to fight ignoring Y/n*

Y/n: Hey wiz. Aqua said you make tea here... Do you have any snacks?

Wiz: Here popcorn.

*Y/n gives her some Eris*

Y/n: Thanks.

Kazuma: Hey what's this?

Y/n: Let's see.

Kazuma: It's an item that increases your luck when equipped?

*Kazuma puts it on*

Y/n: Wait a second...

*Everyone starts saying sorry to Kazuma...  Except Y/n*

Y/n: Idiots all of them. I wonder how long it will take for them to realize. 


Wiz: Um, Kazuma-san. Is it comfortable.

Kazuma: Your thighs are nice and cool, wiz. By the way has anyone seen Y/n?

Darkness: I can do anything you want me to-

Kazuma: Ditch the armor and give me 100 push-ups.

Y/n: Watching them from here is going to be the funniest thing ever. And if Kazuma wishes me to do something then I'll cut the choker off.

*Y/n is currently on the celling*

Aqua: Unbelievable...

Kazuma: Go grab me a yakisoba bun, and make it snappy.

*Y/n wheezes because Kazuma hates aqua so much that he doesn't want to do anything perverted to her*

Kazuma: I can hear you Y/n, but I can't see you so your safe for now.

Aqua: Why?!

Kazuma: You two are rivals right?

Megu: No that's just Yunyun's idea.

Kazuma: You two are going to have a competition.

*Small time skip after aqua got the bread and Megu and Yunyun are still playing rock paper scissors.*

Kazuma: If you both tie 3 times you both have to take something off.

Y/n: Kazuma what is wrong with you?

Kazuma: Come here Y/n.

Y/n: What is it degenerate Kazuma.

Kazuma: Shut. Do you see how great this is?

Y/n: That you have to make two girls strip for you because you won't have a girlfriend.

Kazuma: That shut was a wish.

Y/n: And I hope that the more I don't make your wishes come true you lose time.

Kazuma: What the?

*Yunyun starts to fight Megu*

Y/n: S̷̜͂͌́̀̒͌̔̚͠͝ţ̷̧̼͇͇̜̏͂̉ͅő̸̡͙̭̣̻̖̮̮̍̐͜ͅp̶̫̪͍͖̔͗̆̓ ̸̨̹̩̝͉́͂͐ͅf̶̢͚͔̫̫̭̼̄̈̈́́̽̓̕i̸̭̜̿͋̾ĝ̸̛̥̘͇̜̭̫͕͙h̵̢̛̹̯̬̺̦͕̼͂̈͆̀̈ť̴̪͖̟̪̆̌ị̸̧͙̐n̵̟̯̳̼͍͕̐̌ḡ̶̨̤̻̰̉̈́͛̚̕͠ ̴̼̟̣͑̄ḇ̵̱̗̫̹̲͙̠̤̞̒͒̂́̋̎̂̍͝ò̷̢̞̼̪̻͖͙̦̖͑̒̓̎̀́t̵̪͚̟̟̖͖͉̠̲̦̽͊̿̒̒̿͆͘ḣ̸̢͇͚̣̩̞̅̽̉̉̃̇̈̈́̋ ̵͉͕̞̭̳̀̈́́ǫ̶̺͓̬̮̟̣̜͓͔̀̈́̄͐f̵̛̹͔̕ ̵̡̆̒͌̈̐͌̾̐̈́y̶̢̘̖̝͔̎̔̌̋o̵̡̗͓̤̼̞̩̟̜͎̐̀͠ǔ̴̼̄̏̉͂ͅ ̵̢̬͕͖̮͕͍͛o̴̢͖̜̺͉̪̠̲͛̎͆̃̀̓̇̚͝r̶̛͎̩͉̻̳̦͗̒̀̈́͗͋ ̴̻̐̏̊́͐̕o̶̟̐̀̽n̴͕̖̻̅̌̈́̆̒̈́̕̕l̸̲͖̫̪̤̠̈́̆͜y̵͉͎̬̳̼̋̄̾̃̂͑͛̿̈́͠ ̵̧̯̞̬̍I̵̪̩̬̱͎̟͈̔̂̑͆̕ ̴̼̆́̕͜w̵̤̤͒̅͐́͗͂̕͝ḯ̸̛̤͙̫̙̪͍͇̗̭͍͊̆͐̀́͋̄̌l̸͉̥̫̻̫̬͎͈̄̑̀̌̾͆̌̌͗̕l̶̗̣̺̤̦̪͐̏̀͊̈̍̀̕͜͝ͅͅ ̷̡̞͈͍̻͆̏̐̀͛̉͜k̷̟͓̒̊͛ṅ̷͙̌̀͌͐̔͊̍̽̄o̵̤͇̝̹͊̈͒̎̃w̴̟͈͊͑̏̽͛́̐͌͘͠ ̷̡̛͙̞͈̩͇̺̗̌̾ẃ̵̭̱̺͈̣̳͖ͅͅḣ̵̛̛̦̞̝̮̯̯̭͎͛͂̌̇͛̚͜͠a̴̡̺̥͎̭͎͎̻̼͆̇͋̈̀͋̑t̸̬͈̝͚̖̯̦̠̓̿̑̚̕ͅ ̷̢̹͉̝̪̞͓͍̪͕̔̋̕͝h̶̛̯̼̺̾̑̆̓͊ą̷̲͔͓͖͙͖̕p̷̢͙̪͚̤̣͐͛̀͑̀̀́̂̌͘p̸̼̘͎̆̊̈́̔́̈̃̚͝e̸̡̧̟̱̩̙̊n̴̨̼͙̖̜̖͉̔̊̏ś̸̹̌͒͂͐ ̷̜̩͈̺̭͕̲͎̲̠̒͂͛͐̇̅ţ̷̭̌͋̃̿̋̅̂o̵͈͂̽̅͆͒̽̍͘ ̵̹͉̩̼͆̿͊y̸̙̙̰̺̲̗͓̻͂̐̎̓͛̚̚͘͠ȍ̴̰̭̭̲̫̝͎̑̐̎͒̚͠ů̶̫͕͖̦̲̆̔̑̔͝.̸͙̥͍̜̙̌̌̓͊̊͆͘.

Kazuma: What?!?

*Y/n had red eyes when he said that and then it goes back to your eye color*


*Y/n is watching what Kazuma did to the girls*

Y/n: This is getting out of hand. I should have stayed away for a week.

*Timeskip to last day*

Y/n: Finally Kazuma's dead. 

All of the girls: What?

Y/n: I can finally cut the stupid choker off.

Megu: Huh.

Y/n: Watch.

*Y/n cuts the choker off*

Y/n: Now revive him aqua.

(1,500 reads... ok what - A/n)

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