What Are You Thinking?

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Mason's POV:

Emmi stays completely still, staring at the ground. What is she thinking? She isn't saying anything. Did I push too far and now she thinks I'm just pestering her?

"Mason, I-," she stopped herself, like she just didn't trust whatever she had to say next.

I should've just left it alone, now I've overwhelmed her and made her confused. But still, it's worth it so I'm not feeling like I have to compete with Lucas.

She finally spoke, "I just don't know."

I let it sink in for a second before I finally nodded. I turned my gaze away from her to the window as soon as her eyes met mine. I looked outside at the tree I just climbed up to get in here. The tree she caught when I kinda made her fall out the window.

It's been a disaster of a night.

"That's.. that's fine. I get it, it's a lot to think about and our friendship kinda rides on that. But honestly Emmi, don't you think our friendship is risked anyways now that I've asked?" I asked, not feeling as bold as I hoped I would when I said it.

Distress took over her face, making her brow pull into a frown and her lips tighten into a line. Why do I keep pushing her?

"Look, just think on it. I don't want to try and force you to give me a definite answer tonight, okay? I really should've have pressured you with this. I'll just go ahead and head home, okay?" I say.

She just nods and pulls her knees into her chest, the same look rests on her face.

I leave through the window, looking at her while I go. She doesn't meet my eyes, she just stays in the same position.

The drive home was lonely and long.


I'm so sorry for this short chapter, but honestly there wasn't much to go forward with after the last couple chapters and the only thing to get rid of the block was to put this bit in here.

Anyways, what do you think Emmi's going to say?

How do we feel about Mason?

How do we feel about Mason?

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