The Breaking Up Stages

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From: Fake Boyfriend

Found my phone again, I'm so sorry. Meet @ No-Doze after school? :)

sent: 2:14 PM

A small smile played at the corners of my lips. The idiot typed everything else out other than "at".

To: Fake Boyfriend


sent: 2:14 PM

From: Fake Boyfriend

Is my dear, loving girlfriend playing hard to get?

sent: 2:14 PM

To: Fake Boyfriend

Possibly.. what's in it for me?

sent: 2:15 PM

From: Fake Boyfriend

I'm going to enjoy our breakup so much. You'll get a good plan and an amazing coffee, my treat?

sent: 2:15 PM

To: Fake Boyfriend

I'm swooning. Be there at 4? We'll do homework too.

sent: 2:15 PM

From: Fake Boyfriend

Homework? You don't know me at all. 4 is great, see you then my one and only.

sent: 2:16 PM


The next hour and 14 minutes passed relatively fast. School dismissed 3 minutes ago, so I went ahead and headed over to No-Doze.

I picked the table closest to the window for aesthetic reasons, and because I want Mason to be able to see that I'm here when he walks in. While I waited, I went ahead and pulled out the worksheet given in class and the science book I've yet to return to help me finish the last four problems I didn't complete in class. Just as I was finishing up the last one was I interrupted.

A vanilla-iced mocha frappe was set down on top of my paper, little water droplets forcing their way into a little puddle in the center of my answers. I glared up to see the boy from last time. Does he remember my order?

"Oh, hey, thank you," I said, gently lifting it off my paper while smiling at him and dapping the blurring words with a napkin.

He smiled back and took the seat across from me.

"It's the least I could do. You're a bitch, by the way, but I should be hooking up with this hot girl soon," he talked, still smiling. I nodded back as I put the drink on the table and put all my work back in my bookbag.

"Yeah," I start, "Sorry about the wrong number. You were just really sweet and Dana's a really pretty and nice girl, I thought you two might hit it off but she's over boys."

He nods, going to say something just when Mason walked through the door and to the table, intimating the poor kid.

"It was nice catching up, thanks again," I waved. He nodded and waved back, going back behind the counter while Mason took the seat.

I lifted the cup at him and swished it. "Someone already beat you to the coffee. Better step up your game, Andrews. People are all around trying to still your girl."

He rolled his eyes.

"Thank god, thought I'd never get rid of you."

I put my hand to my heart and gasped. "How dare you! Plenty of people would kill to be in your shoes. Whatever, Mr. Love-of-my-life, what ideas you got for our breakup?"

He smiled, pulling a paper out of his back pocket and unfolding it, laying it flat on the table to show a couple of drawings and a few little notes next to each one.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm thinking some cupcakes?"

"Cute. I was thinking maybe we say I caught you cheating on me with the coffee boy."

"You're hilarious. I don't want people to think I'm a cheater, and I'd still like chicks to want to be with me."

I sigh. "Maybe we'll just stage a thing where we'll just start screaming for no reason, break it off, and then it'll be over?"

He nodded, smiling a little and staring down at the table.

"I'm gonna miss you, kiddo," he joked, the smiling looking sadder than I expected.

"I'm gonna miss you, too. You know what? We'll go get dinner or catch a movie or something in honor of our relationship," I suggested, standing up with my bag and drink.

A huge, dorky grin stretched across his face.

"Absolutely. There's a party tonight at 11 that I'm forcing you to, but other than that I'll pick you up about 7:30?" he half asked, pointing at me while we both walked out. I laughed and nodded in agreement, parting ways.

There's no way in hell I'm going to that party, though.



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