The Soaked Arrival

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I arrive home soaking wet, angry, and feeling a little sick.

Almost as soon as I'd stepped out of the school and was making my way home, little drops of rain trickled down from the sky at a slow, sweet pace. And then very suddenly, it poured down and drenched everything. Including me.

As if it couldn't get worse, I walked past a dude who called out disgusting words about my wet shirt and somehow visible bra. I only flipped him the bird as I walked past.

And now I was home, the sweet smell of peach tickled my nose from my Mom's candles she burned non-stop. I've never really minded, they've always given a lighter feeling to the house, making it more welcoming.

I trudged up our light brown stairs and across the white carpet to my room, gently shutting the door behind me to make sure I didn't wake my Dad from his sleep until Mom got home, then proceeded to change out of my way clothes and into a pair of soft pink shorts my sister gave me and a loose maroon wife beater.

Finally, I took a second to sigh and relax. My phone screen remained black as I picked it off my bed and tried to check if Mason messaged back, so I put it on the charger and grabbed my notes out of my bag.

There's an anatomy test tomorrow, and I've been so stressed the last week I'd barely studied for it. Paying attention is hard when you're worried about what invalid people are saying about you behind your back.


I finally finished labeling the picture of a heart our teacher gave us and gave out a short sigh. My temples aching slightly from focusing for so long.

My phone had finally charged to 100% and would turn on. Three messages appeared.

From: Fake Boyfriend

"Hey, I can't really think. Any ideas?"

                                                     sent: 2:17 PM

From: Fake Boyfriend

"Maybe we'll hang out together for the rest of the week and stage a breakup Friday?"

                                                     sent: 3:01 PM

From: Fake Boyfriend


                                                     sent: 6:38 PM

To: Fake Boyfriend

"I'm sorry, my phone died so I just went ahead and studied. Just finished. Friday could work."

                                                     sent: 6:50 PM

I put my phone down on the bed next to me and laid back, closing my eyes to try and release some of the strain. A soft vibration came soon after.

From: Fake Boyfriend

"Great. Friday it is. I'll meet you at the front doors tomorrow and we can talk more about it then. What were you studying?"

To: Fake Boyfriend

"Okay. Anatomy."

From: Fake Boyfriend

"Ah. Not my favorite, but I don't hate it. How do you like it?"

To: Fake Boyfriend

"It's fine. A little stressful, but other than that. I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow?"

From: Fake Boyfriend

"I'll see you tomorrow. G'night, Emmi."

To: Fake Boyfriend


From: Dad

"I had to go in early tonight. I was going to say bye but I was running late and you were studying a heart I think? Mom had to work late, she'll be back about 7:30. I love you, leftovers in the fridge, sleep well. "

To: Dad

"Okay. I love you too."


Honestly, really disappointed in this chapter, but what can ya do?

Anyways, I have plans. The next chapter will (hopefully) be better!

 The next chapter will (hopefully) be better!

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