Right in the-

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The next morning, I dressed normally, adding a little extra to my makeup but nothing more than that. My hair went back into a loose bun after deciding I didn't really feel like trying to do anything with it. I have no reason to try and look pretty. It's just another day of school, except this time with a fake boyfriend who will almost definitely draw attention to my lazy look.

I had gotten up early enough to say a bye to Mom as she ran out the door for work, leaving me with my coffee and soggy cearel to enjoy the silent time I had alone before the possibly hectic day that awaits.

I was too anxious to ride the bus, so I walked, dispite the note on the fridge from my Dad telling me not to walk today because he'd somehow heard about me getting catcalled yesterday on my way home. It was a short distance, only about a 15 minute straight walk. The odds of me getting kidnapped by a dude who looked maybe 19 on my way with plenty of kids walking and cars passing was slim.

Once I'd reached the front doors, I expected to have to wait. I'd never sat around and watched for what time Mason got to school. Instead, there he was, leaning against the brick wall near the entrance of the building, scrolling on his phone.

I made my way to him at a steady pace, trying to seem as casual as possible as I rubbed my palms on my jeans. He remained unbothered when he looked up to make eye contact.

"Hey," I mumbled, slowing to a stop in front of him.

He gave a sweet smile. "Hey. Breakfast?"


"No?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow and taking my hand.

"I ate cearel this morning," I explained, staring down at our hands as he guided us through the front door.

Dear God, my hands are sweating.

"Well, I didn't eat today and we still have to make a whole scene walking in the cafeteria."

An unattractive snort slipped out, gaining a large chuckle and his own snorty laugh from Mr. Perfect over here. I laughed back at him, doing the same snort thing.

Eventually we couldn't keep walking and managed to laugh all the way into a squat, snorting like pigs, holding our stomachs and catching the attention of curious passerbyes.

When he finally calmed down, he straightened and I did the same as his swung an arm around my shoulders and started back to the cafeteria.

"So," he started, "Should we break up at the beginning or end of lunch?"

I tapped my chin and looked up at the ceiling, pretending to think. "The middle."

He smiled and watched straight forward, pulling us closer to the cafeteria doors. My nervous started to eat at me again, stronger than before. Laughing had only temporarily fixed my situation. Now it was the actual acting part after I'd told everyone I didn't do relationships.

The peak of stupidity. I've reached it.

Mason brought us to the doors and stopped, pulling his arm away and looking down at me with uneasy eyes. He looked just as nervous as me.

"You ready for this?" he whispered like he was physically unable to say it louder than a voice level -20.

I only nodded, mostly because I know I'd honestly be the same way trying to talk. They'll judge me. They'll wonder why he decided to pick such an average girl.

Why are you worrying? You aren't even a thing, Emmi, chill.

He put his hand on the small of my back and pushed the doors open and walked with a fake confidence I couldn't manage. Dispite him being scared, too, he pretended so well. I, on the other hand, took a couple steps and screwed up.

Five steps in, I tripped. All eyes on us, eager to analyze every detail of our relationship, and my own feet got in my way. It didn't happen all too fast. It went beyond slow.

I fell in slow motion as everyone stared. I closed my eyes and covered my face. Just as I was about to feel the cold floor, Mason grabbed my arm.

It would've been the perfect rescue if I hadn't accidentally kicked upwards, hitting a special spot and forcing him down with me. A couple guys around us made a sympathetic groan, bringing their hands up to their mouth.

Mason laid next to me, his back hunched up and I swear, I saw a tear or two.




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