Well, You're Not Wrong

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Back to Emmi's POV :)

I don't know how long I sat there after Mason left but apparently long enough for my knees and back to ache. Deciding I'd sulked about this long enough, I finally stretched out my legs and straightened my back, giving my for some reason sore neck a good pop, too.

Mason did have a point earlier. Whether I said yes to him or not wouldn't matter, our friendship would still change.

Ugh. Why does he have to be such an idiot?

I stop in the middle of my thoughts and stand up, looking at my phone.

I'm about to make a bad choice.

I pick the phone up, scroll for a second through my contacts before finding Masons number, and press call. It rings a few times before a sad voice on the other line comes through.


"Hey, can you come back over? I'm sorry, I know it's late and you already left, I just-," I say but I'm abruptly cut off by him.

"I'll be there in a minute." Then the line goes dead.


I hear the familiar tap on my window. This time I open it, helping pull him in. I keep my hands on his shoulders while he steadies himself on the floor, a little wobbly from the climb.

After he's finally steady, I look up at him. His eyes searching mine like he's trying to decide if this visit is going to be a good thing or a bad thing.

"I just wanted to say that you're right. It doesn't matter what happens now because you've already told me, it can't go back to how it was after this anyways, so I figured if we couldn't go back to the old way we were, maybe we could try being a real couple.

I'll understand if you want to go home to think more in case you said that out of the heat of the moment-," I go to say before but he cuts me off short by wrapping his arms around my waist and crashing his lips into mine.

The kiss is so sudden it takes my breath away but I eagerly kiss him back, taking my arms from his shoulders and wrapping them around the back of his neck.

He pulls away, analyzing my face to make sure he didn't overstep. "Is this okay? I'm so sorry, I should've asked," he quickly says, his grip around my waist lessoning while he pull back a bit.

I don't even respond, I just gently push myself back up to give him a soft peck. A smile breaks out over his stupidly cute face while he kisses me again, his arms going back to the tightness they once had and one of his hands making its way up my back to the back of my head, his palm supporting me and taking any strain off my neck.

The moment feeling so cute and sweet comes to a complete halt when I feel his fingers press into my back, pulling me closer into him so my whole body was pressed entirely against him. My arms wrap against him tighter while he deepens the kiss and his hand somehow slips up the back of my shirt to rest on the bare skin at the small of my back.

The hand supporting my head is now running its fingers through my hair, pulling my hair a little to tilt my head back a bit, giving him full access to my mouth. His tongue flicks my lip, asking for entrance, to which I happily give.

Suddenly, he's backing me up and turning us so he can sit on my bed, pulling me in to sit on one of his thighs. I let it all happen, feeling like I was in a completely different universe right now. So completely high on the feeling of his kiss, how his lips dominated mine, the way his fingers dig into my skin, and how he keeps gently rocking the leg I'm sitting on.

My fingers feel down his chest for the hem of his shirt, giving it a tug. He breaks the kiss for a moment to pull it off and give me full access to him. When his lips meet mine again they completely take me, the hunger from them keeping me completely his. He pulls on my shirt and I lift my arms up so he can remove it, before going back to the kiss that I hate breaking.

His fingers find my hair again and pull my head back. More this time than the last, to where my neck was exposed. He attacked my neck and collarbone with hard kisses, trailing his way down to my chest. I look down to watch him as his mouth leaves a mark on my boob, a small gasp leaving my lips as his rocks his leg more aggressively this time.

He looks up at me for permission when his fingers on my back reach my bra strap, and I nod, completely lost in the sensations flooding me. He quickly removes it before his lips latch on to my nipple, earning a louder gasp from me this time.

Between the rocking, his lips, and the fingers pulling my hair, I do the unthinkable.

"Please. I need you," I whisper.

His mouth leaves my chest and comes up to my ear, all other movement still going.

"I know," I can hear his smile. "I just wanted you to say it."

Without any warning I'm suddenly laying on my back in the bed, my head resting on the pillows as he flips us over. His knee still between my legs and working it's magic while his lips go back to mine.

He kisses down my neck, chest, and stomach all the way down to where my shorts start. Fingers play with the skin under the hem but he waits for me to give a verbal yes before pulling them down and leaving me only in my panties. He goes ahead and pulls his pants off too, his body even more amazing while he's stripped down to his boxers.

Suddenly, I realize very quickly how attractive he is and cover my chest with my hands, pulling my arms up to cover most of my torso. He watches me and looks vaguely hurt as he gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead. His kisses go down my nose, leave a soft peck on my lips and then trail down to where my hands are.

He gently removes them, kissing the inside of each wrist before putting them both in one hand and holding them above my head. He kisses all of my chest and torso before looking back up to me.

"Please, never feel like you need to cover up around me. You're so beautiful, Emmi. Not just your body or your face," he say, kissing down my torso and dangerously close to my underwear.

"But your sense of humor," a kiss on my navel.

"Your personality," a kiss over my underwear.

My breath feels heavy and my chest heaves a little as he kisses lower, tingles breaking out over my body as his sweet lips come with such beautiful words.

"I can't find a single thing I don't like about you," a kiss suddenly down to my inner thighs.

"Not," kiss.

"One," kiss.

"Thing," finally, a kiss between my legs.




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