Haha- Screw you

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My morning was from the deepest, darkest depths of Hell. Not only was it unnecessarily bright, but trying to get ready for the day was the most chaotic thing I've ever had to experience.

While getting dressed, I tripped four times trying to get a pant leg on, ran into a wall while walking to the bathroom and trying to put my shirt on at the same time, and then sneezed when I went to put mascara on and had a black streak from my cheekbone to almost reaching my eyebrow. After getting everything like that situated, things went a little more smoothly.

I actually got out of the house on time and managed to avoid seeing my mom at all while leaving. The walk was overall a little peaceful, the clouds covered the sun just a little bit to make it less brutal and the neighborhood is usually pretty quiet in the morning. I even had time to stop at the little cafe and got a strawberry tea and an egg sandwich for breakfast to eat during my walk.

Life almost seemed normal again. Almost.

I packed Mason's clothes in my bag earlier this morning before everything got hectic in my whole getting-ready extravaganza, I planned on finding him eventually and giving it back.

He didn't text this morning or last night to talk about what happened, or talk at all in fact. I decided to try and give him some space, it's just easier for us both to have some breathing time.

"Emmi!" a voice exclaimed while a heavy arm wrapped around my shoulders.

I shot a doubtful look up to a way too happy Lucas.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I ask, trying to move a little away.

He laughs. "Yes, you're hopelessly in love with me."

I roll my eyes, pushing his arm away. Leave it to him to say something that stupid.

"That's so weird. I thought I'd fall in love with someone attractive. Maybe you have a good personality," I say, a little excited to see him get offended.

"Ah yes, I am beautiful inside and out!" he laughs some more.

"Or," I say, "maybe the good personality was just wishful thinking."

He rolls his eyes instead.

"Whatever, you can't resist me."

"Ah, yes, you know me so well. Listen, I have to go turn in a book to a teacher that I was supposed to do yesterday. Good luck with the delusions. I'll be sending good vibes your way," I say, waving and walking in a different direction.

He just smiles and waves back, and then walks over to a group of guys to talk to.

I decide to go to the library instead and work on a few assignments I needed to get turned in soon, and since today's Friday, I kind of need them done.

Things were surprisingly calm, no one was bothering me despite some of the girls walking past, looking like they were dying to ask some questions. Probably some things like, "Why did you damage your boyfriend's crotch?" "How are things going between you guys?" "Did you hear about blah blah blah?"

I got to finish everything I needed to when the bell rang to go to class. Feeling a little better about myself now that I'd accomplished something, I got all my things together and headed to class.

I'm just gonna get this day over.


I really managed to avoid Mason all day somehow. I avoided the cafeteria when lunch had come around, deciding to just grab something on the way home that would hold me over until dinner. Mason had either not shown up to school today or avoided me just as well as I did him.

Either way, I'd made my way through the day with the same about of mental trauma I started out with. When the final bell rang, I took the chance to haul ass out of there and start my walk to just go home. I've been out so much I haven't had the time to study, I don't want my grades to suffer because of some stupid drama going on at school with some boys.

I can't believe I've let myself slip like this! And for what? A boy?! That's a tragically cliché lifestyle.

The walk home went by surprisingly fast, and when I finally walked in the front door I didn't see Mom. There wasn't a candle burning, she wasn't sitting on the couch or in the kitchen. Maybe she'd actually decided to start getting her life in order.

I checked her bedroom on my way to mine just in case she'd decided she just wasn't going to get out of bed today, but she wasn't there. Resisting the urge to text her, I went downstairs and grabbed a few protein bars and a water to make up for my lunch and then back to my bedroom to study.

Truthfully, it's relaxing for me to go back into the same patterns I've had after hectic situations. It lets me get my thoughts in order again and recollect. Even reading on a subject I don't like just gives this instant satisfaction that I've stumbled my way back into a routine.

An hour and a half passes and I've finished all the assignments I have for homework this weekend, another half hour passes and I've reread everything I wanted to go back and check on to make sure I understood.

It's only 7:12 and I have plenty of free time.

Getting up and stretching, I decide to clean up whatever I need to in my room. Productivity is literally all I have to keep myself going half the time.

After that, I cook a small thing of spaghetti for me and my mom, putting hers in a container in the fridge, and then cleaning up all the dishes and mess in the kitchen. I pick up anything she hasn't, sweep the floors, take a shower, and have basically straightened up the entire house and am overall ready for bed by 9 o'clock.

What a wild Friday night.

To: Mom

House is cleaned, leftovers are in the fridge. I hadn't heard from you all day so I just wanted to check on you.

sent: 9:19 pm

After it's sent, I climb into bed and watch a movie on my phone, when it's done, I go to sleep.


I'm so sorry, I know this is like the least active chapter ever, but I wanted to get something out and also just give a little pause. Life rarely has no boring moments. That's just what this chapter was. We'll be back to our regular schedule program next chapter.😁


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