Backwash Alert

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After the peck on my cheek, girls basically swamped around me, asking if I was dating Mason. The recent rumors had also been thrown into the conversation at some point in time and eventually, that's all the discussion became.

I wasn't sure how to respond to all their questions. Am I supposed to tell them we were together? Is that a part of the plan I didn't catch?

We haven't discussed details yet, avoiding answering would definitely be the smart thing to do considering I had no idea what was happening myself. But is that what I did?

No, no it is not.

"Oh, you know how guys are. Labels scare them and whatnot," I joked, trying to inch away in the process.

"Mason doesn't care about labels. He's had girlfriends," a girl in the back offered.

"I have a problem with labels, then."

"What's wrong with a title?"

"What's wrong with not having one?"

"Why would you-," she started again, but soon got cut off by the person I've recently come to know as Satan.

Lucas Maddinly.

"Ladies," he started, some charming smile playing on his lips. "Shut up."

I'm not kidding, I saw a girl swoon.

His eyes met mine and he gave another smile. This one was almost genuine. His gaze had some effect on me, it made me feel these intense emotions.

Like hate, anger, and the urge to punch him right in his stupid nose.

"Hey, Emmi," he said, walking towards me.

"It's Emily," I corrected back, a little bitterly.

"Come again, Emmi, isn't it?"


"Emmi, got it. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend?" he asks, stopping a good foot away.

"I can't," I explain. "I have plans."

He smirked like a petty, cocky, douchebag.

"What plans?"

"My cousin's uncle's cat is sick..?"

"The cat?"

"The cat."

"Well if the cat's sick..." he trailed off.

I nodded quickly, pushing my hands against the sides of my thighs so they would stop sweating.

"I'm sure they'll get it to a vet," he finally finished, smirking down at me.

I let out a small huff.

"Okay, fine. I don't like you. You make me want to slam my face into a locker. I can't stand standing next to you," I snapped, putting a hand on my hip.

His smirk grew a little more, some plan in his brain starting to develop. Considering the rumor he already made up, I wasn't sure I really wanted to see what he was planning up next.

"How unfortunate. I really like you. I thought after what happened between us, you really liked me, too. Unless..," he paused, looking at the crowd behind him to see if he had his audience's attention, "Unless you just do that without really knowing someone?"

Everything afterward happened too quickly for me to grasp.

Suddenly, my hand flew off my pants and slapped him with as much force as I could muster. Then he was falling and when he did, he happened to somehow turn his body towards this girl I knew, Aubrey.

Once he fell, his lips met hers.

Everyone went dead silent as they quickly jumped away from each other.

I felt a little bad for her. I'd known Aubrey my whole life. She was more on the quiet side, but it always seemed like bad luck followed her. She could never catch a break. And now she was in the middle of the hallway with a huge group of people around her, watching her face grow from a light shade of pink to the darkest red I'd ever seen a person turn.

She turned and ran away quickly, Lucas staring at her with the back of his hand on his lips.

"I think he spit into her mouth..." a girl mumbled, catching everyone's attention.

A loud roar of laughter took over the teens as Lucas's face went a little pink. I watched the chaos fall around him as guys pushed him a little and girls cooed at him about how cute he was when he blushed.

I took it as my cue to leave.

I managed to make my way to the front lobby, away from everyone except a teacher who was playing on his phone, not bothering to look at a student passing through.

I appreciated the lack of attention. It seemed like the biggest break I'd get today.

I found a wall and sunk against it, pulling my phone out to see the new contact.

Fake Boyfriend.

A small smile makes its way up to my lips as my finger hovered over to the message button and hit it before I could change my mind.

To: Fake Boyfriend

"Hey, It's Emmi. Let me know when we should plan."
sent: 2:15 PM

I turned my screen off and leaned my head back, closing my eyes and relaxing, taking in the little time I had for some peace and quiet.

Soon I was being woken up, the teacher who had been on his phone sitting on his knees in front of me.

"Finally. Do you realize how hard it is to wake you up?" he asked, standing and offering a hand.

I accepted and apologized, "How long have I been asleep?"

He shrugged and looked at his phone before grumbling, "I don't know, but it's 3:40, you should've been leaving 10 minutes ago. You missed the buses."

I sighed and pulled my phone out, only to find that it had died. That's the way my life works. Only the worst of luck.

"Do you want to call someone on my phone?" he asked, holding it out to me.

I shook my head politely. "No, thank you. I'll just walk home."

He nodded and smiled, walking me to the doors and waving me off as I began my slow-paced walk home.



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