Gone With the Sick

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"I'm so sorry!" I whispered at him, rolling over to grab his arm and comfort him.

"No! You're fine, Emmi," he plastered a fake smile, his voice a couple pitches higher than it normally was. "It barely even hurts!"

I resisted the urge to giggle as I pulled him, trying to get him back on his feet. He slowly went up with each small tug. Soon he was back on his feet, still hunched over and his hand covering himself. He even smiled at the other guys that gave a little cheer for how fast he was recovering.

When he was finally standing steady, I gently guided him over to an empty table close by and sat him down, taking a seat and sitting my stuff down next to him when I decided he was stable enough not to fall over.

He leaned his head onto my shoulder, letting out a long huff. "I'll never be able to have kids now."

I laughed, pushing my hand into his hair and messing it up a little in the back as he chuckled. His breath fanned my arm with every deep laugh, goosebumps popping up every where he warmed on accident.

I looked at him, taking him all in. You rarely see someone so beautiful and nice be so naturally happy.

He suddenly looked up at me, a happy glow taunting me in his light eyes, the smile that played on his lips warming me, forcing me to smile, too.


I snapped out of whatever trace I was in, suddenly realized that ridiculous thoughts that had just swirled around in my brain. I couldn't even think of an excuse for me so plainly checking him out. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I don't feel well," I blabed out, suddenly shooting out of my seat. He reached out to grab me, but I moved and missed his hand before full on running to the office.

"I need to call home," I mummbled, out of breath and trying to work up a couple believable tears.

A slightly terrified office lady nodded, watching me as she pointed to the office phone on the wall.


Mom was grumpy the whole ride home. She didn't lecture me for calling her out of work to take me home since I lied and told her I threw up. The Office Lady called the janitor and asked him to clean the backroom, which according to him, was now shining, though I've never seen that bathroom shine. 

Mom came in, checked me out, gave the lady a tight smile and then started driving me home in a deadly silence.

"You don't look sick," she snapped suddenly.

I nodded, then played off a small fake cough. She glared at me suddenly and I decided it might be best if I just sat still and didn't look over at the angry beast.

Mom is rarely ever mad, whatever had thrown her into this awful of a mood hadn't been just me. Something else had to have happened in order to make her this aggressive.

Usually my mom is very passive. Both of my parents are, actually. I think that why their marriage has worked so well. Neither of them want to hurt the other, so whatever bothers them they let go of and move on to whatever's next.

Mom especially. She was raised in a household that didn't allow women to take any kind of lead. She wasn't allowed to speak to a man with any kind of force or aggression. She was only allowed to ask them what they wanted for dinner and if they needed their beds made.

Her Mom took her out of school when she was 15 to teach her how to be a better house wife. She cooked and cleaned until she was 19. Then she met my Dad, who encouraged her to go back to school and get her GED. I don't know if she really wanted to or if she just did it because a man suggested it to her, but she got her GED, and when Dad wanted to get a bigger house to raise a family, she got a job, too, so she could help with the bills.

When they learned after she had me that she wouldn't be able to have any other kids, Mom took it hard. Her mother taught her to have a huge family. Mom grew up with 6 other siblings.

Now she was sitting beside me, the most angry I've ever seen her.

"What happened..?" I asked lowly, not even sure if she heard me.

She let out a long sigh, like the fire that had been pent up in her had finally gone out and left her exhausted. Her eyes turned sad as she watched the road, her fingers gripping the wheel tightly as her finger tips turned white.

"Your Dad is running away for a couple days."




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