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Dad being gone left the house surprisingly more empty feeling than expected. Mom's been quiet and took the week of vacation she had been saving. She was keeping all her days for a trip we were going to take. We decided on them getting as many days they could and then going to as many places as we could during the summer.

Mom is still in her pajamas, still on the couch in the quiet, chewing her nails anxiously as she watches the door. By this time when she's off, she's already changed and making something to eat for everyone.

I watch her from the other side of the room. Neither of us slept well last night, I gave up and got ready early this morning. Now, with time to kill, I gaze at my mother practically driving herself crazy.

Deep bags are already taken home under her eyes. Smile wrinkles litter her face, making her appear a lot older than she is.

"Mom, can I stay home today?" I ask quietly.

She shakes her head in response.

I sigh, standing up and cleaning the already spotless counter off. "Look at you, Momma. You're driving yourself mad. I should be here with you today in case you need something or you-" I stop myself.

Her head jerked in my direction, her small body shaking like it was -10°F in here. Her big eyes watched me carefully, waiting for my next move.

"Or I what?" she growled.

I didn't want to explain myself. Afraid that any words that spilled out of my mouth could come true.

She could run away, too. Or decide that she wasn't a worthy enough woman. That she shouldn't even be alive. Since all she could produce was one child and her husband ran off, maybe she was the source of all the problems we'd ever had. Maybe it was all her fault.

If Mom talked about it with my Grandma, she'd probably get a similar answer. My Grandmother is a very strict, bitter woman who's grown more aggressive in her older age. She's obsessed with keeping up her appearance and making her husband fat.

"I don't know," I finally say.

She shakes her head again, more aggressively this time. Tears fall down her cheeks.

"The whole town is going to start talking about me. They're all going to know I'm a terrible wife, that my child is without her father. I'm ashamed," she sobbed.

I quickly walked over to her, throwing myself down onto the couch and bringing her head into my neck.

"Mom, no one's going to think less of you. They're going to think you're strong. They'll think less of Dad. He's a dick. He left us-"

"Don't you ever disrespect your father like that," she snaps at me, jerking away like I'd burnt her.

"Go to school. Then go to the library or something. Study with a friend, I don't care. I don't want to see you for another 14 hours at least."

Without being able to form any other words, I just nod. She doesn't want to see me? Fine. Whatever. Like I ever see her anyway.

I grab my book bag and leave, slamming the door behind me as I march. I don't care if it makes her mad. He left us, and I'm still here for her, and now she's trying to say she doesn't want to see me? Then she won't.

I'm too early for school. The doors are still locked. I figured I'd have to wait another hour or two until I could get into the building, but the janitor, Mrs. Valtin, knows me so she opened the door.

I say a quick thank you before literally running down the hall. My feet take me somewhere before I could even decide where I wanted to go.

The familiar darkroom gave me a sense of peace. Despite not being able to see, I was comfortable.

"Who's here?" a voice snapped.

Déjà vu.

"Me," I smiled.

There was a long pause before his voice broke through again, you could hear the smile spoke. "Emmi?"

"That's what my friends call me."

Warmth spread through me as a hand brushed my arm, then suddenly pulled me into a strong hug. The fact that he's this warm genuinely amazes me.

"Awe, you act like you missed me," I joke. Not being able to see Mason's face helps. If I did I'd probably have flashbacks to last lunch.

"After what happened last time I saw you, it probably won't shock people when we break up."

I laugh and nod in agreement, pulling away from the hug, suddenly a little colder.

"So, why are you here?" I ask, realizing that it's still way too early for anyone else to be here already.

"Why are you here?"

"I asked first."

"I asked second, which means I answer second."

"It really doesn't. Why are you here?"

He was quiet a little longer before he finally mumbled, "I can't go home like this."

"Like what.." I trailed off.

My hand had pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight before I could even think. He winced at the sudden light and kept his eyes closed. I didn't even care that it hurt him. I was taking in the damage.

A black eye, busted lip, all the things that would concern a mother if her son just showed up like that.

I stare at him for a long moment.

"Why are you so stupid?" I finally laugh.

His face morphed into genuine confusion.  He watched me while I smile and grab his chin, turning his head in different ways to take in all the damages. He flinched a little a first, but he eventually softened a little.

"So, how'd these happen?" I asked, a smile still plastered to my lips.

He smiles a little back. "Can't say."

I flicked the bruise on his cheekbone.

"Do you mean, 'Yes, of course, I'll tell you what happened, Emmi!'?" I asked, faking curiosity.

He shook his head a little, rolling his eyes. I almost laughed, but it would lessen the serious mood. He finally stared at me, waiting for me to let go. When I didn't, he gave up.

"So, uh.. your buddy, Lucas, apparently has some problems going on. I found him yelling at some chick after school. I tried to help, but things got a little.. disturbed. I couldn't go home and face my Dad like this.

If he finds out it was Lucas, and then talks to his Dad, they're going to make us fight again.."

"What?" I snapped. "Why? I swear, I'll beat Lucas and his Dad with a baseball bat. My uncle, he's been to prison and he knows where to hide the bodies, he won't rat me out, and Lucas beat you up so you're too big of a wimp to try me after I kill two men-"

"Dear God, please stop!"


I seriously started on this forever ago and today I decided I had no idea what to do so I just wrote it all in like 20 minutes and decided to post it so, sorry for how crappy it is. The next chapter will be better, I promise.

 The next chapter will be better, I promise

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